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Y/n silently sits in Jimin's room staring out at the backyard. Watching everyone talk to Jungkook and his new girlfriend. She smiles seeing him smile making his eyes form the shape of a crescent moon.
"Please don't hurt me like this." She whispers putting her right palm against the window, letting her tears fall.
Yoongi walk to her sighing.
"Y/n sit we need to talk." He sits down on the bed.
She sniffs sitting down.
"Look you need to move on, Jungkook isn't going to love you. Sometimes we don't get the ones we want and that's perfectly fine. We don't need them, sometimes we are better off without them. And to be honest I like it when you two are not with each other." He sighs.
She silently keeps staring at the floor.
"And what if I can never fall in love with someone else apart from him." She says in a cracked up voice looking at him.
Yoongi stares at her not knowing what to say to that. He never really had to deal with love personally, so he's not that experienced. But it makes his heart ache seeing her so miserable. And that was all he knew, the only kind of love he knew, where his heart ached to see her in pain. She looks up at his face, she feels a pinch in her heart seeing Yoongi looking so helpless.
"It's okay Appa I have you and all my Oppas who love me so much. Don't worry about me okay I will be fine." She smiles wiping her eyes.
"I know you will be fine." He smiles at her pulling her into a soft hug.

Few months passed by, Y/n was on the verge of having a breakdown. Seeing Jungkook and his girlfriend getting all close and handsy on each other in front of her wasn't helping either. She kept her emotions to herself, not wanting to get Yoongi or anyone else to get stressed about her problems. She thinks they had enough stress because of her in the past.

It was one gloomy afternoon, the weather was not good. It was pouring heavily outside. Y/n and everyone else were in the living room watching tv. When suddenly Jungkook comes out of his room and starts speaking.
"Hey Hyungs need a little bit of your attention." He clears his throat.
Everyone looks at him including Y/n.
"I'm getting married." He smiles looking at them.
There was an unsettling amount of silence in the room. Jungkook kept staring at everyone for there reactions. Jin coughs standing up and walks to him.
"Congratulations, I'm happy if you're happy." He hugs him.
Jungkook smiles hugging back. Everyone joins them except for Yoongi and Y/n. Yoongi places a hand on her knee giving it a soft squeeze.
"You okay?" He asks looking at her with concern.
She looks at him as a tear rolls down her cheek. A wide smile appears on her lips, a fake one.
"I'm more than okay Appa." She keeps smiling widely as tears keeps gushing out of her eyes. She stands up and heads out of the room.
Yoongi looks at the tv not knowing what to do anymore.
Y/n walks in Jungkook's room. She sits down on his bed holding her face in her palms crying her heart out. After a while, Jungkook comes in the room and sees her.
"Why are you here?" He asks looking at her.
"Why her? Why not me?" She asks looking at him with a swollen face and red eyes.
"Cause I love her." He says.
"Why can't you love me? I beg you love me, please love me." She cries out not being able to get a hold of herself.
He stares at her and sighs in frustration.
"And that is why I don't love you, you're pathetic and desperate. I mean look at you, you're still trying to ruin my life as always. Ever since you came in this house all you have been doing is ruining my life, every nice opportunity that comes my way you ruin it."He groans.
"Please don't marry her, it will be the death of me. Please Jungkook, I beg you be with me, love me." She walks to him and hugs him.
He pushes her off him and slaps her hard right across her face. She stumbles back falling on the floor.
"I said I love her and I will marry her. Why are you trying to manipulate my feelings and my choices to make them go in your favour. You don't own me! I will do what my heart wants not what you want me to do, you get that?! He yells at her.
She wipes her tears as they keep falling.
"I get it, I fucking get it. Jungkook just know that I loved you since I knew you. And no one, by that I mean no one in this entire fucking world can love you more than I do. No one can, just remember that there was a girl who loved you with all her heart but it was her bad luck that she couldn't get back your love, that she couldn't make you love her. But one day I hope you realise how much she loved you and how much she was willing to do anything for you. Just remember that." She stands up and walks out of the room feeling her heart shatter into thousand pieces.

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