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Y/n slept throughout the entire day, even if she was awake she kept laying on the bed. She stared at the window thinking about her life. She blamed everything on her fate, making it harder for her to accept the truth. The truth that Jungkook loves someone else, and she has to accept that fact. She fell asleep again, Yoongi kept checking on her time to time, he feels miserable and like a failed father who isn't able to help his daughter to get off her pain. Pain that he can't share with her nor feel it on behave of her. He was trying everything he can but nothing seems to work. Y/n just wanted to be left alone for the time being. Everyone thought maybe that was the best thing to do, to give her some space to feel the pain she's going through in order to get over it.

It was past midnight, Y/n woke up a while ago. She was laying on the bed silently staring at the ceiling when she heard yelling.
"Come with us!" A man yelled.
She sits up hearing the harsh voice, it was scary and unfamiliar.
"Appa? What's going on?" She asks stepping out of the room.
As she heads to the voices, a man comes in her sight who was harshly pulling on Taehyung's wife's arm. Y/n knits her eyebrows not understanding what was going on.
"Let her go! You have no right to take her away she's already married!" Jungkook yells holding the man by his collar.
"Your mother is really mad ma'am you got to come with us right now or else the consequences won't be good." The man threatens.
"Hey man! It's not cool! You have no right to take her like that. I'm calling the police." Jimin dials the police's number.
"Do whatever you want there's no way we are leaving without her." The man says and harshly pulls her to him.
Y/n stands there confused not understanding what's going on. Where is Taehyung why isn't he here. All of sudden, Taehyung barges in the house and punches the man right in his jaw making him fall. The man groans holding his blooding mouth.
"You will regret this!" He calls someone.
And with in a few minutes more men comes in with guns in their hands. Taehyung hides his wife behind him.
"You want her than try taking her, but first you got to go through me." Taehyung growls.
"So be it." The man he punched stands up and takes a gun out.
Jungkook lunges towards the man and tackles him. He holds the man's gunned arm up trying to make the gun fall from his hand. Jimin tries to help Jungkook tackling the guy. Y/n sees another guy point his gun at Jungkook, she widens her eyes and rushes towards him. The guy pulls the trigger and shoots at Jungkook. Y/n was right on time, she stands in front Jungkook and the man. The bullet hits her right on her chest.

It all goes silent, all the chaos stops in that moment. Y/n smiles closing her eyes and collapses on her knees on the floor. Both Jungkook and Jimin widens their eyes seeing her fall on the floor.
"No please no!" Jungkook holds her before she could fall on the floor completely.
"I love you, I will always love you." She chokes out coughing blood through her mouth.
"Hey! Why?! No why would you do that?!" He groans shaking her as it seemed like she was losing consciousness.
"I told you I would do anything for you." She mumbles unconsciously closing her eyes completely.
Jimin panics calling an ambulance and yells them their house address in a shaky voice. Taehyung gets on his knees in front of them holding his head.
"It's all my fault." He cries out.
Soon, the police arrives along with Yoongi and Namjoon.
Yoongi runs to her.
"No baby don't leave me look at me! Appa is here!" He cries trying to take her from Jungkook.
Jungkook hugs her not letting him take her away from him.
"I'm sorry." A tear rolls down Jungkook's cheek.
"No! You don't get to hold her! You don't get to apologise to her! After everything you put her through you don't deserve it anymore!" Yoongi yells taking her away from him harshly.
Jungkook sits there idly staring at the floor without blinking. Yoongi picks her up and starts walking out of the house being followed by the rest of them.

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