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They all wait in the waiting area, Yoongi constantly walks near the O.T. to look
if they are done. Jimin keeps sobbing hugging
Jhope,they all stare at the O.T's door for the doctor to come and tell them that she's safe.
Jungkook sits by the O.T's door, leaning on the wall beside it waiting for her. His clothes full of blood splotches of hers, his eyes stained with dried up tears. He regrets, every single thing he ever did to her, every single word he ever said to her.

After a while the doctor comes out and asks for her guardian. All of them run to the doctor, not being able to wait any longer to see their beloved Y/n.
"How is she? Is she okay?" Yoongi asks panicking.
"The bullet wound wasn't very deep, it will be healed." The doctor pats his shoulder.
All of them cheer up, Jimin hugs Yoongi and sobs in his arm like a baby. Everyone pats his head to calm him down. Jungkook wipes his eyes as tears keeps falling from him eyes.
"But we have a news I don't think it's the right time to give it to guys, but the more we delay the more it will effect her body." The doctor sighs.
"What is it doctor?" Yoongi asks looking at the doctor.
"We needed blood during the operation, so we got her blood tested and the test shows some abnormality in her blood cells. The type of abnormalities that are found out by the test shows that she has blood cancer. We don't know the stage yet, we need to get her checked to find out. We are sorry." The doctor sighs walking away after giving Yoongi a sympathetic pat on his shoulder.
"No! No! No! They are lying! No!" Jungkook stands up yelling in a cracked up voice and runs to the doctor.
"No! Tell me it's a lie!!" He holds the doctor by his collar and pulls him harshly.
"What the hell are you doing?! Get your hands off me!" The doctor yells.
"Jungkook let him go!" Yoongi yells jerking Jungkook off the doctor.
"Hyung please! Tell me he's lying! Hyung please I can't live like this please!" Jungkook screams and cries holding on to Yoongi.
Yoongi stares ahead holding onto Jungkook letting his tears fall.
"Jungkook hold yourself together she will need you please." Jin cries pulling him in his arms.
Jimin falls down on his knees sobbing harder than before not being able to control his emotions. Namjoon gets himself together and apologises to the doctor for what Jungkook did.

"Hyung I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything please please forgive." Jungkook sobs falling at Yoongi's feet.
"There's no use of your apologies anymore, no use at all. The pain you wanted to give her you already gave her and you can't take it back anymore. No one can." He gets himself free from Jungkook and walks away.
Jungkook pulls him up and walks towards the intense care unit. Without asking anyone, he enters the cabin Y/n was shifted in, inside that unit.
"Please don't do this to, don't punish me like this." He whispers walking to her.
Y/n slowly opens her eyes, she doesn't know about her health situation yet, she's completely unknown of the truth. She smiles seeing her love, Jungkook. Standing there for her, with tears of concern. She slowly forwards her hand to him, gesturing him to hold it. Jungkook lets his fall, with a deep breathe he holds her hand. Y/n removes her oxygen mask, she stares at him for a while before speaking.
"Don't cry Oppa, I'm okay." She reassures him with a gentle squeeze.
Jungkook cries out loud and falls on her, hugging her tightly. A muffled groan comes out of her mouth, but her lips spread wide with the biggest smile feeling him so close to her.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." This is all that comes out of his mouth nonstop, over and over.
She sighs holding him close to her, feeling as if finally they are together, forever.

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