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"Y/n will you listen to Oppa if he tells you something?" Jin asks to her calmly.
"Yes Oppa anything you say." She smiles at him.
"Okay." Jin says and walks away.
He dials the number of the hospital, him and Yoongi where looking into for getting her treated there. He talks to them and gets her admitted there. Yoongi on the other hand cries silently sitting in his room blaming himself for everything. Not knowing what went wrong that led to this.

Next day

Y/n packs few of her stuff that are permitted by the hospital with the help of Jimin. Jimin keeps on holding his tears, she smiles at him coyly.
"Oppa I will miss you." She smiles and hugs him like a child as always.
"I will miss you too." He lets out the sobs he was holding back and slowly kisses the top of her head.
"They are here." Jin says and takes her luggage and walks to the main entrance. She hugs everyone and looks around for Yoongi.
"Where's Appa?" She asks looking at them.
Hoseok sighs and walks to Yoongi's room and knocks on it again.
"She is leaving, she wants to see you." He sighs leaning on the door as no reply comes from the other side.
"Tell Appa I love him." She smiles at them and walks out of the house being followed by them.
As she was getting in the hospital van she sees Jungkook walking in the house without even sparing her a glance. She smiles sitting in and waves at them. Jin breaks down into tears waving at her along with Jimin. The nurses closes the van and starts the car, she looks down as tears gushes out of her eyes.

Few days passed by, Y/n adapted with the hospital really well. She went through one surgery and she's recovering pretty fast. The doctors kept her in therapy and lots and lots of creative activities. Yoongi didn't go to meet her once, but he goes to meet with the doctor and asks him about her progress. Deep down Y/n knows he doesn't want to see her because he's mad at her. She feels bad buts she shakes that feeling off her chest. Every other day she paints pictures of Yoongi and herself. She cutely requests the front desk to give it to Yoongi when he comes to pay the bills. And they do fulfil her small request, Yoongi cries to himself seeing the pictures she drew for him and still isn't able to forgive himself for slapping her. Jin frequently visits Y/n with food he cooked. He watches her with teary eyes as she eats alone cause now she can. He comes back and sobs to Jimin and Hoseok feeling proud of her.

Jungkook is getting normal with time. He left all of his bad friends who were a bad influence for him after Yoongi beat the shit out of his friends for making him drink. Jin baby's him everyday, he feeds him and takes care of him. Jungkook is loving all the attention, this what he wanted since a long time.
Y/n gone from is life and all his Hyung's attention on him.

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