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"Hey how could you hit me! I'm older than you." He groans rubbing his cheeks.
"Yeah you're very old." She says rolling her eyes.
He stares at her knitting his eyebrows together. She keeps looking away and and smiles like an idiot. He says nothing and leans back closing his eyes. After a few minutes Y/n feels something heavy on her shoulder. She looks to her side, a small smile appears on her lips seeing Jungkook sleeping peacefully on her shoulder. Slowly, she brings her hand up to his cheeks and caresses it.
"I missed you too." She whispers resting her head on his.

When they reached Daegu it was already morning. They took two hotel rooms in a random hotel. Y/n got one of the rooms and all the boys were in the room next to hers. She takes a shower and puts on a nice black summer dress on. She nicely does her makeup and splashes herself with a nice vanilla scented perfume.
"Y/n come we are going to Tae's girlfriend's engagement. We are going to get her from there." Jimin says to her staring at her with an open mouth.
"Oppa don't stare like that." She chuckles walking to him.
"My my, my sister has grown up into such a beautiful lady. Now I need to protect her more." He smiles pinching her cheek softly.
She giggles walking with him, everyone is already seated like before. Jin starts driving after she gets on.

"How will we get in?!" Taehyung restless says staring at the high security around the house.
"I don't know how the hell are we suppose to get in." Suga groans.
"I have an idea, some of us stays back here by the car and some of us gets in by somehow distracting the guards. We go get her and bring her to the car." Y/n says looking at them.
"Okay you, Taehyung and Jungkook get in somehow and get her out of there." Namjoon says.
They all nod and head to the main gate.
"Why is she coming she's of no use." Jungkook thinks.
She looks around, she notices the gate is a little clearer than before with just one bodyguard. She elbows both of them and gestures them to stay back.
"What is she doing?" Jungkook whispers to Taehyung.
"I don't know." He whispers back.
Y/n slowly walks to the guards pulling her dress down from her chest.

Y/n slowly walks to the guards pulling her dress down from her chest

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"Who are you?" The guard looks her up and down.
"I'm the makeup artist for for um..." She gets cut off by him.
"Oh yeah yeah you were suppose to come." He says and opens the gate for her.
"Before I go can I have your number?" She asks leaning to him.
He smirks seeing her lean in and leans to her too.
"Sure why not."
"Thank you so much." She leans down blocking his view of Taehyung and Jungkook and starts gesturing them to get in by her hand. Both of them sees her and runs in.
"Here." He hands her the paper he wrote his number on.
"I will surely call you." She winks getting in.

"Well she was of some use." Jungkook mumbles to himself.
"Do you know where her room is?" She looks at Taehyung.
"Yeah she told me it's on the second floor and her room has a black door." Taehyung says looking around.
"There." The all sees the door and runs to it.
Taehyung's girlfriend sees them, she runs into his arms and starts crying.
"Take me away please." She cries holding onto him tightly.
Y/n stares at both of them feeling bad for them.
"I will baby I'm here now don't cry." Taehyung breaks the hug and wipes her tears planting a soft kiss on her lips.
"We should go before more guests come."Jungkook looks around.
"Is there a back door?" Y/n asks looking at her.
"Yes there is come with me." She holds Taehyung's hand and runs out of the room.
Both Jungkook and Y/n follows them. As they were running one of the guards sees them. Taehyung takes a vase and hits the guard's head. Y/n gasps stopping seeing the guard become senseless.
"Is he dead?" She slowly walks near the guard.
"Oh my god! He's just senseless you stupid girl." Jungkook groans grabbing her hand and runs to the backdoor following them.

They make out of the house and runs to the car. Taehyung gets on the trunk and pulls his girlfriend up. Jungkook holds Y/n by her waist and helps her up. He gets on and before he could sit properly Jin accelerates really hard making him fall on top of
Y/n. She groans feeling his body on hers.
"Yah! Jin Hyung do want me to die or what?!" He yells slowly getting off her.

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