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Few months in Y/n's treatment, her body started breaking down. She's no longer as energetic and excited about life as she used to be. Even after having such a strong support she's losing faith. Jungkook on the other hand is 24/7 around her, taking care of her, ever so delicately.
"Y/n." He comes in the room and touch's her forehead to check her temperature.
He sighs feeling her temperature a little lower than before. Taking the thermometer, he places it in her mouth to get the actual temperature. Y/n has fallen asleep, her body isn't able to keep up properly so she's been sleeping too much lately. Jungkook puts the thermometer away after seeing her temperature is at a normal state now. He keeps staring at her dull face, which was once full of light.
"I love you." He whispers laying beside her, making his arms wraps around her body back hugging her.
She slowly turns to face him with her eyes still closed.
"I love you too." She says slowly opening her eyes.
He slowly holds her tiny hand in his and puts a ring on her ring finger. Y/n stares at the ring for a while and slowly looks at him.
"Oppa, why did you...." Her voice gets lost without completing her sentence.
"Will you marry me?" He asks smiling widely with teary eyes.
A cry comes out of her mouth as she hides herself in his arms.
"Marry me Y/n, please. Be mine forever I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He caresses her back holding her close to him.
"Jungkook what about your fiancé? Why would you want to be with me? I'm not good enough for you. She loves you, she's not ill like me. Why do you want me!?" She cries out more.
He lets her go and holds her face in his palms.
"I love you!! It's you, it's always you!! I always loved you only you, it just took me few huge mistakes and too many years to understand what you are to me. What you mean to me." He says and makes his lips touch hers.
Mixed emotions runs through their bodies. Their lips melts with each other as if they were wo pieces of a missing puzzle.
"I will marry you." She whispers pulling away from the kiss to catch her breathe.
"I'm glad you will." He smiles resting his forehead on his.
"Oppa I want to feel you." She says looking at him.
"I'm right here feel me." He smiles.
"I want to feel your love Oppa, make love to me." She leans closer to him.
"No Y/n you are weak I can't, what if I hurt you. I.... I can't." Jungkook tenses up.
"You can Oppa, I won't be hurt please let me feel your love." She closes her eyes slowly kissing him.
Jungkook gives in and holds her close to him and kisses her. He kisses her like there's no tomorrow. With love and passion, he wants her to know she's the one who makes his heart beat faster and slower at the same time. She's the one for whom he craves. Her touch is what makes him go crazy.

He breaks the kiss and ever so gently removes her clothes. She stares at him with a smile playing on her lips. He removes his clothes too and stares down at her.
"Oppa don't hold back." She says pulling his face close to her.
He nods and slowly rubs himself on her entrance gathering her juices around him.
"Ohh Oppa" She moans closing her eyes.
Jungkook gives himself few strokes and slowly enters himself in her.
She holds her cries back, as it hurts. It hurts so bad but she won't show it to Jungkook. Cause she needs this, she needs him. Needs his touch, his love, to feel some source of life in her. The feeling of being normal which only Jungkook can give her.
He stops seeing her face.
"Y/n please don't make me hurt you." He kisses her tears away that fell.
Jungkook starts pulling out but she stops him.
"No let me f—eel you please." She groans making him thrusts in her slowly.
Jungkook kisses her and starts slowly thrusting in her.

After a while both of them lay in each other's arms. Sweaty tired bodies tangled to each other. He holds her close to his chest, her head rested over his heart. She smiles hearing his heart beat, every heart beat of his seems to be giving her hope. Hope that she will be okay, that she will be fine soon. Hope that maybe one day they will have a family, few kids, and they will all live together happily along with her Appa and all her Oppas.

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