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2 years passed by since Y/n went away. She is completely fine now, the doctors decided to discharge her. She is excited to go back home and meet everyone especially Yoongi. The hospital stuffs drop her in front of the house, she waves at the nurses and the stuffs happily and slowly turns to the house.
"I'm home." She smiles walking in the house.
The whole house was in a chaos when she stepped in. She looks at everyone, they were running around.
"Oppa." She calls out to them.
Hoseok and Jin stops in their tracks seeing her and runs to her.
"Y/n you're home!!" They yell in unison and pulls her in a hug.
She sighs smiling hugging them back. Jimin comes running and hugs them.
"I missed you so much!!" Jimin smiles his eye smile.
"Oppa what is this chaos all about?" She asks.
"Don't ask Taehyung loves this rich girl and now her parents are marrying her so he's wanting to elope with her." Jin says rubbing his head.
"Elope? Oh my god Oppa that's so exciting." She giggles.
"It's not exciting it's risky." Jimin sighs and looks down.
Jin walks in Taehyung's room, who's laying on the bed like a dead body. Y/n follows in the room with the rest of them.
"Oppa, you okay?" She smiles sitting beside him.
"Hi babaysis." He gives her a half smile.
"Let's get her Oppa." She smirks looking at him.

She meets with everyone and slowly walks to Yoongi's room. After knocking she walks in, Yoongi looks at her and slowly stands up and walks to her.
"Appa, I missed you." She smiles and hugs him tight.
"I missed you too." He holds her closing his eyes.
"Appa is Tae Oppa going to get married?" She smiles looking up at him.
"Yeah I guess so." He chuckles.
"I should get packed no? We are going to Daegu to get the girl, right?" She asks excitedly.
"Yes we have to or else her parents are going to get her married." Yoongi says getting himself busy with his phone.
"Okay I'll go then." She smiles heading out.
"Do you need help to get packed or something?" He asks.
"No no I can do it myself now." She smiles heads to Jimin's room.
He smiles looking at her feeling proud of her. As she was about to get inside Jimin's room, Jungkook grabs her by her arms and pulls her in his room.
"You!! What are you doing here?!" He yells at her face.
She squeezes her eyes shut and slowly gulps looking up at him.
"Um the hospital discharged me so I'm back where I belong to." She says calmly.
"Where you belong to?" He chuckles.
"The only place you belong to is in the dustbin from where you came." He spats.
She stares at him and slowly pushes Jungkook by his chest and makes her way out of his room.
"You were a mental then and you will always be a mental now! You hear me!?" He groans slamming the door shut. She says nothing to him and walks in Jimin's room.
"You take my bed okay, I will lay on the floor for the time being." He says to her.
She smiles at him and takes out her new dress that she bought when she went out with one of the nurses.
"I will go take a shower." She walks in the bathroom.

After a while she comes out of the bathroom wearing a red long summer dress. She sits on the bed and does her makeup.
"Oh my god now you can do it all by yourself Y/n?" Jimin stares at her surprised.
"Yes Oppa I learned it in my free time from YouTube and the nurse Unnies." She smiles putting her stuff away.
"You look very beautiful." Jimin smiles and walks out of the room with her.
All of them stares at her, and Jungkook in the other hand looks at her pissed rolling his eyes.
"Wow you look so beautiful." They smile at her.
"You look mature." Yoongi comments.
"Appa you're too much." She giggles and hugs his arm.
"Are you guys done? Shouldn't we be heading to Daegu now?" Jungkook asks in an annoyed tone.
"Yeah yeah." Jin says heading out as everyone follows him.

Jin sits in the driver's seat as he's going to drive. Yoongi sits in the front seat, and both Hoseok and Namjoon sits in the back seats. The rest of them
along with Y/n sits at the back on the trunk.

 The rest of themalong with Y/n sits at the back on the trunk

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