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The next morning Yoongi and the rest walks in the cabin Y/n was kept in and sees both Jungkook and Y/n in each other's arms sleeping peacefully. Yoongi looks away feeling a pinch in his heart thinking that after all this time finally Jungkook is ready to give her what she always wanted, but god forbid she might not have enough time to feel his love.
"Jungkook, wake up." Jin softly pats his head.
In response to Jin's calling, Jungkook nuzzles his face in the crook of her neck. She slowly opens her eyes and looks at Jin.
"Oppa." She whispers as a smile appears on her face.
"How are you? Are you feeling okay now?" Jin leans in planting a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Yes Oppa." She smiles looking at him.
They all circle around her and watches her intently as she smiles and talks about how messed up they all look.
"You all look so messy." She chuckles.
Yoongi stares at her and slowly sits beside.
"Y/n I have something to tell you." He says taking her hand in his.
"No Yoongi! Don't!" Jin yells at him.
"I have to, one say she will know. And I want it to be me, from whom she would get to know about her condition." Yoongi says taking her hands in his.
She looks at them worried and slowly looks at Jungkook, who is staring at her with teary eyes.
"Why are you crying again? I'm okay now I feel so much better." She says wiping his tears.
"You have blood cancer, we don't know which stage yet but you have it." Yoongi breaks down into tears.
"Oh..... I.... I will be fine right? I won't die right? Appa tell me? I will be okay right?" She stares at Yoongi for an answer.
"I don't know, I don't know!" Yoongi cries out loud running out of the cabin.
"Jungkook I don't want to die, please I don't want to die." She cries out loud and hugs him trying to hide herself in his chest.
"I'll not let you go, I'll never let you go." He cries too holding her tightly.

Days past by, Y/n is holding up stronger than before. She's putting up with all the treatments, deep down she's scared; scared to lose it all. She doesn't want to go, not yet. Leaving behind her beloved Oppas and going isn't something she is wanting to do any time soon. On the other hand, all the boys are in turmoil, not knowing how to handle the situation they are in great confusion. Yoongi is the one who is most affected by her condition out of all of them. He can't show nor express his feelings to anyone, he is keeping everything inside himself. Blaming himself for the day he said those harsh things to Y/n. The truth is he doesn't regret picking her up from the dustbin. He doesn't regret being her parental guidance, he regrets non of it. The only thing he regrets is saying those harsh words to her. He wishes to take back all the things he said to her, all the words that made her heart hurt.

"Y/n, are you sleeping?" Jungkook sits beside Y/n, who is laying in the bed of their old room they shared together.
She slowly opens her eyes, a small smile appears on her face. Her right hand go up to his cheek to give it a soft caress.
"I brought food for you, let me feed you some." He says looking down at the soup bowl.
She nods smiling.
Jungkook slowly makes her sit and starts feeding her. She stares at him while eating.
"Oppa did you cry before coming in the room?" She says slowly caressing his eye with her thumb.
He shakes his head no avoiding eye contact with her.
"Oppa look at me." She whispers holding his face in between her palms.
He slowly looks at her with teary eyes.
"Oppa why are you crying?" She wipes the tears that fell from his eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything I did to you." He says in a cracked up voice crying out loud.
"No, no Oppa please please don't be so sad. Please don't be hurt like this, please." She hugs him tightly sobbing in his arms.
"I'm so sorry." He whispers leaning on her chest.
"Yah! Both of you stop crying! Always crying and crying nothing will happen to her." Jin comes in the room with her nurse.
She smiles breaking the hug looking at him.
"Nothing will happen to our Y/n, she is the strongest of us all." Hoseok comes in with Jimin.
"Cheer up Jungkook you're making her sad as well." Jimin says swinging his arms across his shoulders.
Jungkook slowly nods looking at her.
"I love you, I love you so much." He says holding a spoonful of soup near her mouth.
She stares at him in disbelief, not being about to fathom what he just said to her.
"Ohh~ Jungkookie being bold these days, huh no shame at all." Jin chuckles pulling his cheek.
Y/n looks down as a blush creeps to her cheeks.
"Come on Y/n say it back to him. Don't leave him hanging." Jimin chuckles teasing both of them.
"I love you too." She says quietly looking up at Jungkook.

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