The End.

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Today is their wedding day, Y/n has never been this happy in her entire lifetime. She has no worries now, she knows she's going to live with Jungkook for the rest of her life. They will stare a lifetime of togetherness with each other.

She sits in front of her dresser as the makeup artist gets her ready. Y/n looks so pure, so beautiful. Her face is glowing in happiness, her body and mind feels stronger than before.
Yoongi knocks on the door and slowly gets in.
He slowly walks to her.
"You look so beautiful." He says smiling at her.
"Thank you Appa." She hugs her by his waist.
"I'm happy for you, so happy that my baby finally got the love she deserves." He smiles as tears of joy escapes his eyes.
"Don't cry now Oppa." She chuckles looking up at him.
Yoongi smiles while wiping his tears, he takes out a small necklace from his blazer's pocket. He goes behind her and puts it on her.
"Remember Appa is always with you no matter what." He kisses the top of her head.
"I love you so much." She smiles looking at him.

Everyone is waiting in the backyard where the marriage ceremony is going to take place. Yoongi is waiting by the entrance of the backyard for Y/n. She is taking way too long. Jungkook loses all his patience and walks in the house.
"Yah Jungkookie! What you can't even wait to get married now?" Jimin and the rest jokes teasing Jungkook.
Yoongi goes to stop Jungkook but he knows there's no use so he lets him go to her.
"Y/n? Why are you taking so long?" He says while entering their bedroom where she was getting ready.
He stops seeing Y/n laying on the bed curled up like a ball in her white wedding dress. He stares at her back which is facing him.
"Y/n? Baby are you feeling sick?" He says while walking to her.
He smiles seeing her eyes closed. Sighing he lays down behind her and wraps his arms around her body pulling her close to him.
His breathing stops when he feels her cold body against him.
"Y/n?!" He sits up and makes her turn to him completely.
Her face is pale, white as paper. Panic takes over him and he starts checking her pulse.
"No! Y/n please no baby no!!" He screams in anger and starts giving her CPR.
"Baby don't leave me please!!" He cries out pumping her chest with his palms.
All the boys comes running in the room hearing his screams.
"What happened?" Yoongi says running to them.
"She left me." He hangs his head low.
Jimin sits beside her lifeless body and caresses her cheeks letting his tears fall.
"Our prettiest Y/n." He sobs hugging Hoseok who's crying like a child. Jin hugs Jungkook trying to hold him up. Yoongi is on his knees in front of Y/n, staring at her silently letting his tears fall.
"She punished me for all the pain I gave to her. She left me to suffer, why did she leave me?! Hyung why? Bring her back to me." Jungkook cries along with all the other six boys.

Few years passed by since Y/n left them. Jungkook had to be taken to the asylum, as after her death he tried numerous time to kill himself. He needs to be healed, all of them are trying to help him heal. But it feels like he himself doesn't want to be cured. He no longer talks anymore, doesn't eat anymore unless fed. And whenever someone speaks to him. The only thing that comes out of his mouth is her name.

Please vote and comment to help me as I entered the Watty Awards.

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