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More years past by, Y/n was a late bloomer. Her body didn't start showing up since recently. All the boys doesn't feel her change as much as Jungkook does. As they share the same bedroom as well as the bed. Jungkook notices how her body is growing and she's looking more like a woman recently.

Y/n cuddles with Jungkook like always in her sleep. Spreading herself on him, whereas Jungkook can't help but acknowledge her breasts that's are touching his chest. And her popped out ass that is peaking out of her shorts cause her T-shirt hiked up.
"She's so grown up." Twenty year old Jungkook swallows thickly as sixteen year old Y/n's chest heaves up and down as she breathes. She moves around and makes almost a moaning sound. Jungkook looks around awkwardly and waits for her to wake up. Y/n slowly wakes up and smiles seeing her favourite Oppa and hugs him by his neck.
"Morning." She mumbles against his neck.
"Move now." Jungkook says feeling her warm breathe tickling his neck.
"I said move will you! God you're annoying." Jungkook snaps at her.
Yoongi comes in, and slowly sits beside her and pats her head.
"Wake up Y/n-ah you have school." He slowly makes her sit and carries her to the bathroom.
Y/n sits in the tub as he bathes her.
"Appa I should open this." She says and goes to open her T-shirt.
He instantly holds her T-shirt down before she could open.
"No we don't do that okay, don't open this in front of anyone okay not even me. And don't let other boys touch you okay, if they do than tell me." He explains to her as he wipes her wet hair with a towel.
"She's 16 and Yoongi Hyung still bathes her yuck." Jungkook feels disgusted and walks out of the room.
"Wear your clothes nicely okay." Yoongi pats her head and walks out of the bathroom.
After changing into her cloths Y/n walks to the dining table and sits beside Jin. Jin smiles seeing her and starts feeding her.
"You have school today?" Jimin asks sitting beside Y/n.
She nods her head and kisses Jimin's cheek.
"Morning Oppa." She smiles at him.
"Morning." He smiles and kisses her head.
"Jungkookie Oppa I love you." She smiles seeing Jungkook sit at the table.
"I don't." Jungkook rolls his eyes and prepares his toast.
Y/n looks down and slowly stands up and kisses Jin's cheek.
"Bye Oppa I'm going to school." She walks out and gets in the school bus and smiles taking to her friends from the 6th standard.

"Hyung she's 16 and she acts like a 6 year old why don't you take her to a doctor or something." Jungkook scoffs making an annoyed face.
"Jungkook we talked about this before we are saving up the money to do so don't you think we want her to be happy and to be normal? Don't be like that to her the girl is nothing but sweet to you, don't break her heart like that." Jin says in a harsh tone.
"Yeah always make me the bad guy." Jungkook walks out without finishing his breakfast.

Time Skip

As Y/n was walking back home with her friends she sees Jungkook standing by a small cafe with his friends. She instantly runs to him with a broad smile on her face.
"Oppa! Jungkookie Oppa!" She squeals in excitement and hugs him.
Jungkook groans and pushes her off harshly making her stumble back.
"Get out of my face you! We are not in our home that I have to tolerate you." He yells.
Y/n looks down and slowly hugs his arm.
"Oppa I missed you." She says sweetly and kisses his cheek.
"Aww our Jungkook has a girlfriend, who dresses up like a baby even when she's not one." Mark laughs with the rest of their friends making fun of her.
Y/n giggles not understanding Mark's insult towards her and swings their hands back and forth. Jungkook takes his hand away from her and pushes her harshly making her fall on the ground. She looks up at him with teary eyes and slowly stands up.
"I'm sorry Oppa." She breaks down into tears and walks away from there.
"Aww man Jungkook why did you send her away we could have had some fun." Marks laughs.
"Shut up dude." Jungkook groans looking away.
Y/n wipes her face before walking in home as she never tells anything Jungkook does to her. Jin sees her when she walks in.
"Why is your face all red Y/n?" Jin asks taking her backpack.
"Nothing Oppa." She smiles and walks in Yoongi's room and lays on his bed.

Yoongi comes in from work at evening and sees Y/n sleeping soundlessly on his bed. He smiles and caresses her head.
"Appa." She mumbles and hugs his hand.
"What's wrong baby?" He says to her sitting by her.
"Nothing I'm sleepy Appa." She mumbles and hugs the side pillow.
Yoongi sighs and walks to the piano and starts playing a soft tune that Y/n likes.

Jin watches the tv lost in the thoughts of how they will bare the expenses of getting Y/n the right treatment as she needs it.
"What's wrong Hyung?" Jimin plops beside him.
"Nothing just worried about Y/n." He exhales.
"Where is she?" Jimin asks.
"With Yoongi." Jin switches off the tv and walks to the kitchen.
Jimin slowly walks in Yoongi's room and sees him playing the piano. He smiles seeing him and walks to the bed and lays beside Y/n. She slowly lays on his chest and hugs him. Jimin holds her back and both drifts off to sleep to Yoongi's melody.

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