Author's Note

477 29 20

Welcome, to the Contest of Champions.

So, this is what I like to describe as a Marvel AU with a Hunger Games plot line. Or rather, plot guide, since it will be different. 

This is also an open fanfiction, because it is a complete AU. The only movie that's actually still canon is Captain America: The First Avenger, so yeah. No previous Marvel information is needed to understand the story, and neither is there any need for Hunger Games information. 

That being said, those of you who are Marvel fans will probably take especial pleasure in the story (I hope) because you know everything from the movies. And those of you who are familiar with the Hunger Games will also have that edge, I suppose, in reading. But it can be enjoyed without that knowledge.

The amazing cover was made by @I_of_the_Fandom. 

I do not own the Marvel characters or universe, nor do I own the Hunger Games plot and elements. I only own the way I have decided to mix the two.

I seriously hope you enjoy this story; remember to please comment and vote! 

Skylar Wittenborn

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