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We're early. Jane leaves us in the training facilities with the instructors and several of the other contenders. I see Natasha and Clint from 2, Peter and Sharon from 4, and Yon-Rogg and Veers from 8. As I said, we're early.

There's silence as we wait, the contenders focusing their gazes straight ahead after giving cursory looks over the competition. Everyone is dressed much more simply today. At least, it appears to be simple because no one is armed. Well, not armed with weapons.

But we all know weapons aren't the only deadly forces in the Contest.

I notice that Veers is looking at me out of the corner of her eye, the only contender looking at another one. When she sees that I have caught her glance, she looks back in front of her, only for her eyes to flicker back to me. I raise an eyebrow at her this time and she looks away, not returning her gaze.

The elevator doors start to open, releasing the contenders from the other districts in a slow but steady trickle. Soon everyone is in the training room and we're ready to begin.

"The rules are simple," the head instructor, a man we are told to call 'Vulture,' states. Peter Parker blanches on seeing him, looking like he'd seen a ghost. "You don't injure other contenders. If two wish to spar, they may do so under careful supervision, or you may pair up with another instructor. You will have various general stations where you may learn skills and practice with weapons, and there will be specialty stations, one per district, where you may practice with whatever unique skillset you may have."

And then we are free to train.

I spend a moment watching the other contenders choose their stations, analyzing them on where they go. Clint goes to the archery range; Peter, after a terrified glance at Vulture, goes to the ropes course; Okoye picks up a spear. Veers and Yon-Rogg initiate a hand to hand combat sparring session on the practice mats. Kasady, who has been released from yesterday's straitjacket but has one of the Children of Thanos, a big, hulking one, by his side to prevent him from killing everyone, meanders around the room, eyeing up the stations but not selecting one. All the other contenders, even those who didn't witness him biting Eddie Brock last night, keep their distance, but he doesn't look to attack anyone.

Sif moves away to the practice mats, but I head to the target range, making sure that my daggers come from the weapons rack and not from my magic. That is a skill I'd rather no one be aware of yet.

I prove myself pretty handy at throwing daggers, hitting the center every time no matter which angle I throw from. Then I spend time sparring with an instructor a few mats away from Veers and Yon-Rogg. That shows itself a terrible idea when I become easily distracted by their conversation and it is displayed in my fighting ability.

"You have to let go of your past," I hear Yon-Rogg state.

"I don't remember my past," Veers retorts. I almost get wacked in the head at that and have to throw myself backwards to avoid the whirling spear butt of the instructor. I hit the mat hard and hold up my spear shaft before me to deflect the downward arc. Pushing the instructor's spear to the side, I catapult to my feet.

She doesn't remember her past? So she doesn't remember me...but why the strange looks? Was it just me? I try to remember if I did anything worth staring at yesterday, beside the magic bit.

"It's causing you doubt, and doubt makes you vulnerable."

I'm too late to parry so I have to duck, almost stumbling at the awkwardness of my movement. I get back into my element as their conversation dies down, but then it resurfaces as I hear one of them hit the mat.

"Control it." A beat, and then, "There's nothing more dangerous to a warrior than emotion."

And someone else's conversation, as my own performance indicates, but perhaps that's just me.

Another pause before a snicker escapes from Veers. I hear their fighting begin again, faster this time.

"Humor is a distraction. And anger...anger only serves the enemy."

The smack of someone hitting the mat sounds again and then I am officially distracted as something flashes behind me and Yon-Rogg goes flying into the wall.

I turn swiftly, lowering my spear, just in time to catch Veers lowering her fists, a glow subsiding from them as she lies on the ground. A crowd is gathering, two instructors rushing over to Yon-Rogg's side while one seems ready to restrain Veers. No one has any idea what happened. No one actually saw it.

I know I'm staring but I can't help it. Neither can anyone else, for that matter, so for once I don't stand out. But for some reason, her gaze alights on me first, out of everyone in the crowd. Her hands fall to her side as Yon-Rogg gets to his feet, waving away the instructors. When one begins to scold Veers, he interrupts. "It won't happen again, will it, Veers?" He gives her a look.

She lifts an eyebrow but shakes her head, her lips pressed tightly together.

And that is the start of a very interesting three days of training.

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