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I'm expecting to land in a warzone.

I mean, really, after everywhere I've already been, the last thing I see coming is being transported to the edge of a river before an old concrete construction. It takes me a moment to realize the concrete construction is actually an old, closed down bridge spanning the water. There's no one in sight, no noise but the rushing of the river rolling past.

I'm still holding onto Veers, who doesn't look too good. Glancing at her with concern, I tighten my grip on her. "Are you all right?"

"Of course," she snaps, but her face is drawn and pale. She's terrible at lying.

"Let's get you inside," I suggest. There's a door, barely visible behind assorted foliage, leading into one of the thick concrete sidings of the bridge. I start over towards it, Veers limping alongside me. She's putting in her best effort but I know she's in pain, so while we're about halfway to the door, I pause and pick her up.

"Hey!" Veers protests. "What are you doing?"

"Carrying you," I reply shortly.

When we reach the door, I lower Veers back down onto her feet and push aside the foliage as best as I can, setting my hand on the door handle and yanking with all of my strength. Surprisingly, it opens and I help Veers inside.

The room is large and drafty, with a cot wedged up against the far wall. I'm thinking this is all very convenient, but for once I'm just glad the Children of Thanos didn't send me to face another monster.

That's because you brought the monster with you.

Shoving that thought aside, I bring Veers over to the cot and gently lower her down onto it. She lets out a small moan as I lift her legs up onto the thin mattress. Once she's completely on the cot, I give her a worried look, my eyebrows drawn together.

"What?" she asks me, making an attempt to keep her voice light.

I want to ask if she's all right, but the words choke in my throat and I am silent. Veers cocks an eyebrow at me, still managing to look confident even with her pale skin and the strain in her face. "Well?"

"Why did you save me?" I say instead.

Veers' eyes drift away from my face.

"You killed Yon-Rogg," I say quietly. "Why? What am I to you?"

Veers stays silent and I start to think she isn't going to answer me. It's only when I begin to turn away that she speaks. "Loki, do you believe what Luis said, in my interview?"

"About what?" I ask, looking at her again. She avoids my gaze, and it takes me a minute to think back to her interview. Then it strikes me and I can barely stop my eyes from widening. "About love at first sight?"

She nods.

"It's a myth," I tell her.

"Are you lying?" Now she meets my gaze, her eyes still managing to challenge me despite their drained state.

"How can you fall in love with someone you just saw?" I counter. "It's a myth, Veers."

"I used to think that, too," she says.

Used to. That's past tense.

I stare down at her and she holds my gaze, unabashed. "What do you mean?"

"What do you think I mean?"

"You're delusional," I tell her dismissively, and turn away again, but Veers grabs at my sleeve, holding me there.

"I'm not delusional. And I don't lie." She does, actually, but that's beside the point. I can look into her eyes and tell she's not lying now.

I just look at her. I'm not sure what I think about this. Is she saying she loves me? For a moment, Gamora flashes through my mind, that last moment we spent together, and then I'm looking at Veers again.

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