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A light blue coats my shoulders and clings to my tunic as space moves around me, or I through it, I'm not quite sure which. I'm propelled forward through the portal and then suddenly, the darkness rips back, I see sparks from the blue lining of the aperture, and I'm stepping through the hole onto a metal platform.

I glance back behind me and see the portal vanish from the air. Gripping my daggers, I pivot, scanning my surroundings.

I'm standing on a platform inside a large, vaulted chamber. There are structures filling the space, with platforms connecting some of them while open space exists between others. The lighting is dim but I can still see without much strain. The platform where I am now leads down through what appears to be a marketplace. This has the markings of being some sort of abandoned civilization.

Carefully, I walk forward between the buildings, keeping my eyes out for any other contenders or possible threats. My daggers ready in my hands, I try to figure out just where I am.

The entire place has the feeling of being located in space – something about the multileveled structure. Unbreathable atmosphere must be just beyond the boundaries. Turning, I glance up and see an opening leading out into space, confirming my suspicion.

An eerie silence fills the air. That portal may have looked random, but it was purposefully triggered by the Black Order. They want me here, for some reason. They brought me here.

I start to regret throwing that spear at Glaive. Maybe upsetting the Children of Thanos in charge of the Contest wasn't such a bright idea after all.

Fortunately for me, the door hinge squeaks.

I spin and raise my daggers as the frost giant launches himself out of one of the buildings at me, the squeal of the hinge the only giveaway of the attack. His ice blade is an extension of his right arm, which swipes at me as I drop to the ground to avoid the weapon. I then catapult up with my knives reaching out as the frost giant, Raze, falls back and brings his blade back towards him, blocking my attack. With bare chest, leather boots laced up his legs, and a loincloth, he certainly fits the look of some sort of primal killer.

"Little Asgardian," he leers, his red eyes glaring spitefully at me as he shoves me backwards. "Today, you die."

"I wouldn't be so sure," I retort, holding my daggers out to the side. My eyes bore into his, waiting for his next move.

It's neither one of us that moves next.

Hogun springs out from another building behind me, his spiked mace swinging. I dive to the right, rolling up onto my feet again with blades ready, but he isn't aiming for me.

Raze ducks the first swing and thrusts for the warrior's heart. As Hogun sidesteps the jab, the frost giant grabs his arm to hold him in place to better stab him.

Hogun cries out just from the creature's grip as I hurl one of my daggers. The blade sinks into Raze's shoulder as he moves, struggles to hold Hogun in place as the Vanaheim contender throws his weight against the grip. I race forward and leap, kneeing Raze in the side of the head strong enough to snap his head to the side as Hogun manages to break free.

The frost giant stumbles as I land off to one side of him, daggers ready to attack. Hogun meets my gaze momentarily and an agreement passes between us.


"Don't let him touch you," Thor's friend warns. "It burns."

I nod. "Noted."

"Just like the Battle for the Bridge?" Hogun asks.

The Battle for the Bridge was one of the rare occasions when Thor, Sif, Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun joined forces with Gamora, Nebula, and I to carry out what our younger selves had termed a "battle." It was nothing more than us allying for a fight with some of the other Asgardian children, but our last stand on the bridge heading towards the mountains had felt real enough.

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