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The exit tunnel of the Garage is filled with contenders, prep teams, and stylists. As I peer out over the crowds gathering for the entrance parade, feeling the weight of the golden armor Erik chose for me on my shoulders, I cannot see anyone associated with Asgard outside of my juvenile prep team and Erik Selvig.

"We're early," he tells me for the umpteenth time in a row. It's not like I'm even acting nervous, but he probably thinks I am. "The female contender always takes longer to prepare."

"Especially when Darcy Lewis is the stylist," MJ mutters. Erik sighs and nods his head.

"Unfortunately, Michelle is correct," he agrees. "Darcy does spend more time prepping than we do."

The Vanaheim chariot is before us, and I see Hogun standing beside the female contender from his district. He catches my gaze and sends me a scowl. At least, I assume it's a scowl because Hogun the Grim rarely has any other expression. I just tilt my head in acknowledgement and look away.

MJ adjusts my green cloak, ensuring it hangs just right. I resist the urge to snap at her, because she's fixed the cape ten times in the past five minutes alone, not counting every time she adjusted it before we left Asgard's makeover room in the Garage. Even so, I tense as she fiddles with the cloak, and MJ notices.

"I'm just doing my job," she says flatly as she gives the cape a forcible tug. "I'm not obsessed, just very observant."

I shoot her a look before noticing the Kree contenders in the distance. I rise up on tiptoe to try and see Veers more clearly over the crowd before I realize what I'm doing. Scowling, I drop to flat feet and turn, attempting to block the Kree from my mind.

Remember your promise to Gamora.

But my promise to Gamora isn't enough for me to forget that the girl who had impressed me as a child was here today, the first time we'd been in the same vicinity since the racetrack on Midgard.

How did she end up on Hala?

Jane's voice interrupts my thoughts and I can't help but feel relieved as she joins us and begins to ask Erik questions about the entrance as her eyes examine me. She takes in the intricate golden armor layered over a form-fitting grey tunic, the matching grey trousers, the flowing green cloak that falls down behind me and is fastened under the armor at my middle. The curving horned helmet that will cover most of my dark hair is currently in the care of Flash, who is polishing it under Erik's watchful eye.

"Where's Darcy?" she asks Erik finally, seeming satisfied with my appearance. I pick up my hand to run it through my hair only to be stopped by the look MJ is giving me. Instead, I rub my hand over the golden strips that branch up from the breastplate to curve around my neck.

"Right here!" a voice trills, and a young woman with glasses and springy, wavy dark hair makes her way towards us, Sif and her prep team in tow.

Sif is dressed in a sleeveless maroon tunic over a shimmery gold one that shows at the bottom and the top, an empty sheath belted around her waist. Maroon gauntlets secured by glinting silver bands cover her wrists, with decorative silver armor over her abdomen and shoulders. Her hair is drawn back in a simple ponytail, and her makeup is minimal. Her leggings are woven black strips that crisscross down her legs into her tall boots.

"I'm telling you, Jane, this girl is unbelievable," the woman, who I assume is Darcy, continues. "She wouldn't listen to me at all. It took all of my persuasion to get her into this getup."

"I never thought I would be glad to see your face," Sif murmurs as she comes to a stop beside me. I give her a questioning look. "Try spending a minute with that woman," she says by way of explanation.

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