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Thanos stared out the window at the fountain below, in the courtyard. The water pouring out of the apertures and dropping down into the basin, causing a light spray to fill the air and catch the rays of the sun, provided a soothing influence on his mind. Taking a deep breath in, the Titan calmed his mind, preparing to think rationally through the results of the thirty-sixth Contest of Champions.

The universe required correction. I brought about the correction, brought about a lasting Balance. And now Loki has disrupted it.

That damned son of Odin. Using his blasted magic and illusions, Loki Odinson had altered the Contest to his own advantage, enabling both him and Veers of Starforce to win. He changed the rules, changed the future, changed the Balance. Loki committed all in complete defiance against Thanos, in defiance against the Balance. And he had proven Thanos' own words wrong.

I am many things, but a liar is not one of them.

Loki shall pay for this upset. The Balance is owed blood for this. His blood. When I am through with him, he shall long for something as sweet as pain.

Thanos continued to watch the water flowing from the fountain, the soft sound reaching him even at this distance. The course of action that lay before him was one path, the path he had been treading since that day he had snapped his fingers, forty years ago. That path would lead him to reconciliation with the Balance, one day. It was destiny. It would arrive. Loki's death would come. For the moment he lived, but Thanos did not intend him to remain alive for long.

There was no running from destiny. It was inevitable.

Thanos was inevitable.

"What I've done, all these years," Thanos said quietly. "The bloodshed, the violence, it's never been personal. But what I'm about to do to the Asgardian, when Loki dies, I shall enjoy it." He couldn't help the grim smile as he added, "Very, very much."

Loki shall return in


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