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I swing my cane easily as I walk towards Luis, giving him a smile. I love the feeling of the cane in my grip; it could so easily go from sophisticated to weapon.

"Loki Odinson," Luis greets. "Of Asgard! I dig your suit. It's super fine, you know?"

I have to try to suppress my laughter. "Yes, I know." Although I would never describe anything using the words super fine.

"So, what do you think about being here?" Luis asks, gesturing to the crowd ringing the stage. "This has got to be a dream for you, man! First your sister wins, and then your bro? Is it your turn now?"

"I've come too far for anything else," I respond, keeping my voice low and controlled, my smile slight but lingering.

"That sounds like you have a deal with someone," Luis presses. "Anything you want to tell us about, man?"

I think about Gamora, about the way her hand felt against my skin when she ordered me to swear to win the Contest. "I promised a friend," I say instead.

"Okay, okay," Luis says. "Can you tell me about that stunt you pulled, during your grand entrance? You weren't even there half the time!"

I give a slight laugh. "Oh, Luis, do you believe in magic?"

Luis looks a bit skeptical as I spread my hands out. "It's not that hard to believe. After all, there's magic here, standing before you." At his continued skepticism, I lift an eyebrow. "Allow me to demonstrate. Are you ready?"

"Oh, I'm ready," Luis assures me. "Daddy's always ready."

And with that, I carry out the plan – the general idea Erik's, but the execution and details all mine.

I take a step forward, allowing the suit to shimmer. Luis jumps as it is replaced by golden armor plating a jacket open over a black cross weave tunic. A green cloak ripples out behind me as the cane elongates into a scepter, a gleaming blue jewel in the middle of the blade. My curved horned helmet appears atop my head and I stop, the transformation complete. I tap the butt of my scepter on the ground, causing a boom to echo around the place.

There is silence for a full moment before the crowd begins to go wild, cheering and applauding my little illusion. I allow myself a slight smile as Luis comes up to my side, staring at my new getup in shock.

"I thought Daddy was always ready," I quip slyly, raising an eyebrow.

"Dayyyyymn," Luis says, drawing out the vowel sound. He's eyeing me with surprise and awe. "You can do that?"

"Indeed," I say, looking out at the astonished crowd.

"How do you even do that, bro?" the interviewer demands.

I laugh slightly. "If it were easy," I say, deliberately avoiding a direct answer. "Everyone would do it."

The crowd applauds me and I take a slight bow, barely bending my torso forward, and spread my hands, still grinning.

"So, Loki, you volunteered for an Avenger. What made you do that?"

I'm quiet for a moment, contemplating all possible answers. I could tell the truth – or I could not. How do I want to come across to the audience?

Stating exactly why I volunteered presents me as a rebel to Thanos. I'm not sure I want him regarding me as such. Not any more than he already does, at least.

I make up my mind and glance at Luis. "I just felt it was about time I volunteered. After all...it is family tradition, at this point." There. Half-truth, half lie.

"So, Loki," Luis says, and I'm guessing this will be the last question, judging by the time constraints. I cock my head. "What sets you apart from your champion siblings? What are you bringing to this Contest that they didn't?"


What am I bringing?

But I can't look like I don't know. If I don't have an immediate answer – "Luis, you will have to wait until tomorrow to see."

"No little hint?" Luis begs.

I tap the butt of the scepter against the ground and the gem flashes blue light. "I would rather you be surprised by the show."

"Thank you for that," Luis says, turning to the crowd. "Loki Odinson of Asgard, everybody!"

The crowd cheers as I return to my seat, exhaling silently. I decide that my interview wasn't too bad; in fact, I feel like I did quite well. I sit on the edge of my seat, spine ramrod straight as Luis announces, "Well, there you have our male contenders – now let's call up those crazy stupid fine chicks!"

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