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As soon as the Reaping is deemed over, Sif and I are walked out of the throne room and down the winding corridors to the two rooms that have been set aside for us to bid our final goodbyes. Nebula leads Sif ahead of me, Gamora walking by my side.

Although we don't speak, I can tell she's not exactly pleased by this turn of events. Her fierce grip on my bicep clues me into that, as does the almost distant look in her eyes. She barely even gives me a glance as she shoves me into the room with a bit more force than I am expecting.

With a sigh, I take a seat and wait to see who will come to bid me farewell. It takes several moments, but soon enough, the door opens and my parents enter the room.

Frigga rushes over to my side as I stand, Odin positioned behind her. "Oh, Loki," she says. "I'm so proud of what you did." She then shakes her head. "But it was risky, taking Heimdall's punishment onto yourself."

I just shrug and look at Odin. "Are you happy, Father?" I ask. "Have I made you proud?"

Odin meets my gaze, his eye perpetually weary. He looks like a weak old man, in this moment, not the once powerful king of Asgard. "You haven't won yet."

The words sting me, so much so I actually take a step back. I haven't won yet? That's the only thing he can think of to say to me?

But what should I have expected? I'm not Thor. I don't bring Odin pride just by waking up in the morning and talking loudly about my past victories. No. I'm the one who will have to die before Odin realizes I am his son as well.

Of course, that will only happen if I die doing something glorious.

"Odin," Frigga snaps, giving him a disbelieving look. "Loki volunteered, like you have been asking him to do. Is not Loki risking his life enough? Why wasn't Thor risking his life enough?"

"Thor was hardly risking his life," Odin says. "Watching the recap should have only proven that, Frigga. No; Thor was in no danger then. Not like Loki is now."

Frigga straightens and pins her gaze on Odin. "Your son is going to compete in the Contest, and that is all you can talk about?"

There is several seconds of tense silence as Frigga and Odin hold each other's gazes, Frigga glaring while Odin seems only to manage a weary look while I stand off to the side between the two of them rather awkwardly.

"Does it matter?" I say quietly, closing my eyes. "I am going no matter how either you feel about it. You don't have long to spend with me."

Frigga instantly turns, her eyes sad. "I am proud of you," she murmurs, stepping close to me and kissing me lightly on the forehead, having to reach up and gently pull my head down in order to do so due to my height. "And I have faith in you, Loki, that you will make both of us proud in the arena."

I return her gaze, fighting back against my emotions. "I will make you proud, Mother." I look at Odin. "I will make Asgard proud."

"Asgard seems proud already," Odin says gruffly, and I realize it's the Asgardians kneeling to me that's bothering him so much. He doesn't understand why it happened, or what even inspired it, or why I was shown the honor when neither of my older siblings were. Honor for Asgard's sake is no longer the goal.

I must bring honor to Odin.

There is silence until Gamora raps on the closed door, reminding us of the time. Frigga then hugs me, holding me close. "I love you, Loki," she says, cupping my face in her hands as she gazes up at me. "And I am always proud of you." She steps back, hands drifting down to my shoulders. "Remember your magic. Remember your family."

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