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For a moment, I just stare at Veers and she stares back, neither of us making a move. Then Veers, still in her unmistakable Starforce green bodysuit, rises to her feet, slowly, her fists clenched at her sides. I am suddenly reminded of our first meeting, when she stood up out of the wreckage of her go-cart. The admiration I felt then slides over me now as we continue to hold each other's gazes.

"It's been a while," she finally says.

"Since you killed Yon-Rogg," I respond. I'm normally so good with words, but now I don't know what to say. I'd thought about allying with her, but now I wonder if I can see her die, too. Everyone dies in the end. They have to, unfortunately.

"Yeah," she says, her voice containing a slightly wary note. Then she tilts her head, her voice gaining a playful tone in place of the wariness. "You never told me your decision on my offer."

Her offer. The alliance. Back when we had fought Drax and Mantis, she had mentioned becoming allies, right before Yon-Rogg had arrived and tried to kill me. I suppose the offer is back on the table, what with him being dead and all.

"I accept," I say. For really, what else is there to do? She's already proven herself to me by killing Yon-Rogg. Even if she hopes to win, Hala and the Kree will be furious when she returns. No matter how brutal they are, killing their own will not go over well. So killing him could not be a trick to gain my trust. It was genuine. She is genuine in her intentions to ally with me, although I do not know why.

Veers grins at me and I feel fear wind its way into my heart. No one I've allied with has lived very long, and I don't want Veers to die. Perhaps this is a mistake. I don't want to watch her die, I can't. I don't know why, but I can't.

But I don't have time to ponder this, for a roar sounds from above us and Carnage is leaping down from a building. He must have spotted or somehow sensed the portal Veers came through.

The symbiote looks horrible, his gelatinous flesh covered in burns. But he still manages to bare his needlelike teeth at us. There's no fear in his eyes, just a manic intensity that still manages to frighten me. I'm not sure who is more insane, Carnage or my sister. On a good day, Hela could beat anyone out for Lunatic of the Year.

I'm voting for you in that contest, sister.

Right on cue, Hela's voice echoes in my mind, taunting me. What are you the god of again?

"Carnage," Veers murmurs. "Let's take him down."

"Agreed," I hiss, thinking of Cassie and Scott. He just lost his daughter, his little girl, and he's asked me to kill the monster who did it. "Fire is his weakness."

"Great. Do you happen to have any?"

"Yes, in fact, I do. And accelerant." I sling my pack down, stepping toward the closest building and sliding it inside after I pull the container of gasoline and the matches out. Hurrying back towards her, I yank some matches out of the box and then toss the rest to her.

"I like the way you think," she says admiringly and I return her grin before glancing up at Carnage. He takes this as his cue to charge towards us, as if he's forgotten that he's afraid of the fire. Either that, or he just is so driven by revenge and pain that he doesn't even notice the weapons in our hands.

Veers' fists start to glow and she holds them up just as beams of light rocket from both hands and strike the symbiote in the chest. He flies backwards into the nearest building, a howl of pain and rage escaping from him. His eyes are glowing with anger as he glares at Veers and I.

"Give me the accelerant!" she calls, jogging over to me, and I hand it over without so much as a second thought. She whispers a couple quick words about her plan into my ear and I nod. Sounds good. Fire, magic, and photons.

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