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Murmurs race through the crowd as everyone realizes that Veers just picked me, someone she apparently has no connection to, over her district partner and Starforce partner and mentor.

I, quite frankly, don't know which thought swirling inside my currently chaotic mind to choose as my impression of Veers' claim of connection to me. There is a split second where I wonder how. After all, she said to Yon-Rogg that she doesn't remember her past. Then I hypothesize of what nature is the connection. Perhaps it is merely on an "I relate to him because (insert reason here)" level. Or it could be something else completely.

I simply don't know.

But whatever the reason for her supposed connection to me, her statement has shocked the audience, Luis, and the other contenders, beside me. I see the look of fury that swiftly passes over Yon-Rogg's face; he then breathes and composes himself. Sif gives me a questioning look that I refuse to respond to and I notice most of the contenders looking at me with confusion, like they're trying to figure out what's so special about me to attract the attention of a Starforce contender.

If she doesn't remember me, why does she have a connection to me?

And even if she did, I didn't do anything to impress her. Not like her action of standing up in the face of pain and insurmountable odds, which has remained in my mind ever since.

So why?

"Why?" Luis asks her. "Why do you feel a connection to Loki Odinson over there?"

Veers looks at me and I hold her gaze, my eyes echoing Luis' question. She purses her lips, considering the inquiry for a moment, and then narrows her eyes at me.

My question is answered before Luis'.

She doesn't know.

Veers senses my realization of this and averts her gaze. She turns to Luis and offers a smile and a light laugh. "I could have sworn I'd met him before."

The implications of her statement are numerous and serious and I notice Hela, out in the mentor's section, lean forward slightly. The Kree Empire and Asgard do not interact. We are inherent enemies. Only their champions have any sort of relationship, for good or ill, and both of us are content to keep it that way.

There is, quite honestly, no way I could have ever met Veers had she been a Kree her whole life.

But she is not what she appears. She is of Midgard. She is...human.

But no one else seems aware of that.

Luis holds up his hands, also seeming confused. "How?"

Veers gives a shrug. "I told you I could've sworn. Doesn't mean I will." She smirks again, the cocky, sure-of-herself expression keeping her reply from sounding sullen.

"So what do you think the connection is?" Luis probes. "Is it more than just your sense of déjà vu?"

Veers risks a quick glance at me again and then looks back to Luis. For a moment, her surety wavers again and the words come out slowly, her voice quiet. "I believe he has some connection to my past."

Yon-Rogg is glaring daggers at me now.

"Or," she says, correcting herself. "Maybe it's something else. I just feel a connection with him."

"Love at first sight, perhaps?" Luis teases. I can't prevent the widening of my eyes, but I can quickly blink and compose myself, which I do. What in the Helheim is he referring to?

Veers shoots him a look that says "pursue this subject line and you will die."

Luis gets the message very quickly and looks out to the crowd. "Well, that was Veers from Starforce! Now let's hear from Mantis for District 9!"

Veers retires back to her seat and refuses to look at me.

My own emotions jumbled, especially by Luis' hypothesis that Veers is in love with me, I try to focus on Mantis' interview. However, I miss most of it, only catching one line. Apparently, Luis asks Mantis about how she thinks she'll do once she hits the arena, and her reply is "I'll kick names and take ass."

Luis just looks at her, then back almost involuntarily at Drax, who is nodding like that statement makes all the sense in the world.

Dora Skirth for District 10 makes an assertion that earns her strange looks as well. Luis is asking her about her scientific studies and if her participating in the Contest will slow anything down in the world of science. "Well, you know what they say," she replies, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Science never sleeps!"

Okay, then.

The contender for Vanaheim is unmemorable, and then Sif is up. She smiles and answers Luis' questions cockily but I zone out and miss whatever she's saying. Then Luis calls out to the audience, saying, "The contenders for the 36th Contest of Champions!" and we stand, bow, and file off the stage.

As soon as we're out of sight, each pair of contenders is surrounded by their mentors, stylists, and escorts and is prevented from talking to any of the other contenders. Hela, Thor, and Valkyrie isolate Sif and I from the crowd and Hela ushers us towards an elevator. "Don't speak."

I can't help glancing back over my shoulder towards where Ronan is standing with Yon-Rogg and Veers, wanting answers, wanting to know why. Hela sees my glance and her lips twist into a grim smile that sends shivers down my spine.

She knows I am affected by Veers' revelation.

And I half think she knows the reason why.

But my sister has never been the open type, and I am forced to wonder what runs through her mind, why she looks like someone just handed her a kingdom on a platter, and again I consider the question of why she is mentoring in the first place. I want answers, and I don't know how to get them without revealing that I want answers.

I resign myself to not knowing. There really isn't any other advisable course of action right now. Anyway, tomorrow the Contest begins for real and Veers will forget all about her connection to me and join up with Yon-Rogg to kill their competitors.

And I? I have a promise to keep. An oath. An oath I swore on my mother's life to keep.

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