Chapter two

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The Newsies spent all afternoon selling newspapers while Katherine worked writing a story for The New York Sun. Around evening, they all met back up at Jacobi's while they waited for Katherine to pick up the kids and meet them there. Much to their surprise, Spot Conlon and a few of her boys were having dinner at Jacobi's when they arrived.

"Spot!!!" Race said, surprised and happy at the same time. She looked their way and smiled, waving.

"Good to see ya!!!!" She said. "Where're Katherine and the kids?" She asked.

"She's pickin' them up from school now." Mush answered. "They should be here soon." She then got an idea. "Hey Spot, ya care about those kids, dontcha?"

"'Course I do." She answered. "They's the kids of Jack and Katherine Kelly, making them a part of the Newsies family. Why?"

"Pulitzer's tryna take 'em away." Race said. Spot almost choked on her water. She looked him square in the eye.

"What? Whatta ya mean Pulitzer's tryna take 'em away?"

Jack shook his head. "Joe wants to ship Allen and Katie off to boarding school." He looked at Spot worriedly. "Says if we don't let 'im, he'll stop supporting us financially. We don't get much money, and if he's serious, it also means he could put me and the fellas out of business. We work for him."

"All because sour Mr. Pulitzer ain't getting his way." Crutchie said angrily.

Spot looked at all of them, gaping. "You're joking." They shook their heads.

"Serious as a heart attack." Jack answered sadly.

"Well, this just can't happen, then. If Pulitzer decides to stop supporting youse guys, come tell us. We'll provide what we have as well as give that idiot a piece of our minds." She punched her fist, and the Brooklyn Newsies cheered in agreement.

"Only thing is, the kids don't know." Jack said. "Ya can't tell them once they get here." He said. "Got it?" Spot nodded.

"Not a word." She promised.

As if on cue, Katherine entered the diner with Allen, Katie, and Les. Jack waved them closer, and they slowly made their way over to the table. Katherine didn't look happy, and even Les looked a bit scared.

Jack noticed. He went up to her, and after hugging Katie and Allen, he asked in a hushed voice, "Katherine? You okay?"

She shook her head. "Not exactly." Jack nodded. He looked at Spot.

"Could you and Race take Allen and Katie to the side for a minute?" He asked, then motioned to Katherine. "Something's wrong." Spot nodded, and whispered something to Race.

"Hey Allen, Katie." Race said. "C'mon!!! Let's at today's headline and come up with what we could say instead of it, 'cause it's boring!!!" He said awkwardly. Not his best excuse, but Katie and Allen eagerly followed him and Spot out of Jacobi's and towards Newsie square.

"So what's up?" Jack asked. Katherine sat down on one of the benches.

"We...we saw Seitz and Bunsen at school today." She said.

"Seitz and Bunsen?!" Finch asked, surprised. "Pulitzer's cronies?" Katherine nodded. "what were they doing there?"

"My guess would be spying." Katherine said. "They saw me pick up the kids. They stopped us to talk." She shook her head worriedly. "Allen and Katie are so young and naïve, I'm worried that if I don't get there before they do, they'll take them to my father one of these days." She put her face in her hands. "And I'm supposed to work later tomorrow. It will give them more of a chance to get them."

"Why don't ya have Jack pick them up?" Splasher asked.

Katherine sighed. "I would, but Bunsen and Seitz would recognise him. Besides, he's so famous, I'm afraid that he may get stopped along the way and get there too late. He's very popular among Newsies, and many always want to stop him to talk about the strike. By the time he would get to the school, Seitz and Bunsen may already have Allen and Katie."

The Newsies sat there in silence for a moment, thinking. Suddenly, Crutchie spoke up.

"What if...what if you sent some of us to pick up Allen and Katie?" She asked. Everyone turned to her.

"What?" Jack asked. "What do ya mean, Crutchie?"

"Just for tomorrow." Crutchie said. "Since you'll be busy and Jack may not be able to get there in time. You could send a few of us to pick up Allen, Katie, and Les. They know us, so them not coming to us shouldn't be an issue." She pointed out.

Jack and Katherine looked at each other. They thought for a few seconds. Finally, Katherine smiled. "I think that would be a great idea. Who wants to volunteer to pick them up?" Every Newsie shot his or her hand up in the air. Jack laughed.

"Okay..." Katherine started, trying not to laugh herself. "Let me rephrase that." She turned to Jack. "Who would be the best choice to pick them up?" She asked. Jack again tried his best to hide his laughter, and it was pretty clear that she was trying not to laugh as well.

Doing his best to be serious, Jack answered, "I would say Davey and Crutchie. Davey picks Les up from school all the time, and he's one of the most mature guys here. Crutchie's easily believable, and Allen and Katie really trust both of them. However," he actually got serious, and started to think. "They're almost as famous as I am. They would be easily recognisable, and should the Delanceys come, they would be more likely to stall Davey and Crutchie rather than any of the other guys. I think we should send two other Newsies with them, just in case." Jack looked back at the Newsies, and again, about fifty hands shot up in the air.

Jack pointed out two Newsies, and about forty-eight disappointed groans came from the Newsies. "I think Henri and Mush would be our best bet." Jack said, and Katherine nodded. "Allen and Katie would easily recognise them, and they're easily able to think on their feet. Not as many people know them as they know us, and I think they could find a way to keep Bunsen and Seitz away from them should they come again tomorrow." He finished, and Katherine nodded in agreement again. Henri and Mush gave a silent high-five as Jack spoke again.

"Okay, so Davey, Crutchie, Henri, and Mush will go pick up the kids tomorrow." He said. "They'll bring them over to Jacobi's, where we always meet, and I'll bring them home from there when we leave." He finished. "it's settled."

"And not a moment too soon." Finch said, pointing in the direction of the exit. Spot, Race, Allen, and Katie came through the doors, and Jack gave Spot and Race a nod, causing them to let out sighs of relief.

By then, it was well after six o'clock, and the Kellys had to get home. They all left Jacobi's, and the Newsies waved as they headed to the rooftop and Jack, Katherine, Allen, Katie, Davey, and Les headed home.

Don't Take Much To Be a Dreamer (Sequel to "I Never Planned on This")Where stories live. Discover now