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Rating: NC-17, SMUT*

Summary: After a small mistake in the College System of students you and Luke ended up sharing a dorm house. But being roommates with Luke has its disadvantages when he is the ultimate fuckboy who keeps taking girls home after parties...


Small whistles appeared lightly and happily from your pursed lips, your keys dangling around your pointing finger and your eyes were focused on the screen in front of you

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Small whistles appeared lightly and happily from your pursed lips, your keys dangling around your pointing finger and your eyes were focused on the screen in front of you. The wind was light warm in the August summer weather, and it made your hair fly away from always resting in your eyes. Even though the wind was helping you, you couldn't hold in the usual habit of running a hand through your hair, and the constant thought of the usual phase "It will only get greasier by each time you do it" came across your mind, but you just rolled your eyes.

But it wasn't the first roll with the eyes. When your eyes landed on the cigarette butts all over the grass around the entrance part of yours and Luke's shared dorm house, your eyes instantly went back to the back of your head and a groan came from your lips. This was the second time this month that Luke had been hosting a so called "Small gathering" with his friends. But when Luke used that word and just by his tone, you could tell that this would be a lot more than just a small gathering.

You were met by the ugliest smell of warm beer, cigarettes, and sweat as soon as you came inside the entrance of your dorm, and your fingers moved up to hold your nose tight.

"LUKE?!" you literally screeched and threw your keys on the filled up dinner table so sticky that it was clear it was covered in spilt beer. No answer appeared, and you groaned under your breath before putting your purse down on the couch that seemed to be the only thing that wasn't covered in beer and hurried into Luke's bedroom to see him sprawled over his bed.

You were about to yell once again, but when you saw his hangover face, a small sigh escaped your lips and you leaned your body against the doorframe. "You do know we have classes in less than 20 minutes?" you asked, and he nodded his head silently, eyeing you as you headed forward and took a seat next to him on the bed.

"How harsh did it go last night?" you asked after some silence, and a small smirk appeared on Luke's face.

"It went totally off the hook." He smiled and stretched his shoulders, small sounds coming from him while he did it.

"Any ladies?" you asked and looked down at him, but he didn't get the chance to answer before the sound of the toilet flushing appeared and you questioningly looked up towards Luke's toilet, and your eyebrow rose instantly when a girl came out from it.

"Thanks for last night Luke. You really know how to throw a party." She smirked and pushed some of her extensions over her shoulder and headed towards the exit to his room, disappearing out of the door and most probably hurrying to whatever class she had.

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