Double Shot (L.H.)

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"Thanks for taking extra shifts, y/n," I heard my manager mumble from behind me, peering at her laptop over her glasses. I threw her a grin, slipping the black apron my head.

"It's fine, Elise," I told her. "It's not like I don't have the time." And I need the money, but I left that part out. I lifted my foot to fiddle with the heel of my sneaker, having twisted it when I put my foot in.

"It's so lucky that you finished your exams early this year." She goes on, "We always get so busy during exam time." I hummed in agreement. I couldn't help but peer out through the door, into the café. I could already see a long line of customers – mostly students – in front of the counter, Peter working his butt off to serve them quickly. I could hear Manon shuffling around in the small kitchen next door, taking out the latest batch of cookies and muffins.

Situated right outside our main University Campus, The Black Rose café was almost entirely supported and staffed by students. Of course, it helped that our owner, Martin, had opened the café after his first daughter started university – and had built the entire shop with students in mind.

With its warm, cosy interior, mismatched couches, working desks and charging stations, I had fallen in love with The Black Rose the moment I'd stepped foot into it, two years ago. Which is why, the moment I finished first year and moved out of the dorms, I applied for a job here. And although it was no walk in the park, it came with its perks. Free coffee, for starters, and breakfast. Not to mention our relaxed uniforms – as long as we all wore our black jeans and sneakers, along with the embroidered apron, we could wear whatever shirt we wanted (within reason of course – nothing scandalous, and nothing rude).

"Better get out there," I slipped past Elise, catching her absent-minded wave in the corner of my eye. I smiled at myself, pushing through the staff door. "Hey," I called to Peter, and he threw me a relieved grin over his shoulder. I raised my eyebrows as the steamer immediately started hissing, as if knowing its handler wasn't paying attention.

"Crap," the younger boy whispered, eyes snapping back to glare at the machine. He glanced at me again when everything was under control. "It's great to have you – Clara had to leave early." I nodded at him, moving to stand in front of the register.

"Sure thing," I muttered, looking up at a distracted looking girl. She was staring intently at her phone, before pushing her glasses up her nose with one finger. "Have you been helped?" I asked her with a smile, and her eyes shot up.

"Oh shit," she cried in exasperation, "Yeah sorry, I should probably move!" I laughed as she awkwardly shuffled along the counter to stand at the receiving end, before immediately turning her attention back to her phone. End of year exams had everyone on edge. I was so glad I was done. Turning to the next person, I gave them a smile. An exhausted looking guy met my smile, only managing to return it after a few seconds. He looked like a jock, with the number 18 embroidered on the pocket of his blazer.

"What can I get you?" I asked, and he peered at the black board behind me.

He lifted a hand to scratch his chin. "What's the drink of the day?"

"Our Summer Stone Fruit Smoothie – Yogurt, peach, plum, nectarine, and blueberries."

He frowned at me for a second, his lips pursing. "Is it good?"

I gave him a shrug. "I like it," I told him honestly, deciding that he looked way to burnt out for me to attempt a sales-pitch. He nodded, as if it was answer enough.

"Can I have a large?" he mumbled, digging in his pockets before giving me a wad of cash without asking for the price. "With one of those cookies that I keep smelling."

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