Chapter 1

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Third POV

[Today is my first wedding day. The bells are ringing and the birds are singing. I am wearing a white tuxedo. I honestly never thought this would ever happen. I am the happiest person alive. Some people have the luck of having a smooth relationship before getting married. I'm not one of those people. Honestly, I don't know how I got to this point. Because before this, this happened...]

???: JP, where are you? I want to go to the movies!

???: JP, have time to play a game?

???: JP, want ice cream?

???: JP, I need help on this test.

???: JP, want to run lines with me?

[I was being chased by five girls who all wanted to do something with me. I'm just one person and each girl was after me. What did I do to get into this situation? Well, you have to go back to even before this]

[I had just finished school and have arrived back at home. I am tired and want to be left alone. All I want to do is play video games and then go to bed. As soon as I put my things down and head to my room, a boy who looks exactly like me runs towards me and tries to give me a hug which I easily dodge]

???: Welcome home, Third! How was your day today?

Third: Shut up, Fourth. I don't want to be bothered. I have video games to play.

???: You should be studying. Don't you have tests?

Third: I'm not in the mood, Fifth. Where is First and Second?

Fourth: First is out practicing his lines in the park. I don't know what Second is doing. He's probably causing trouble.

Third: Why do I have to be normal one?

Fifth: Sitting around playing video games isn't normal, Third.

Third: Shut up! You wouldn't understand. Now leave me alone.

[I head to my room. Now you're probably wondering what that interaction was which you just read. You may have thought my name is JP. Well, it is. I am a quintuplet. I have four other brothers who look just like me. We're identical. We even wear the same things. There is only a few differences but no one really notices them. Now what about the names: First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth? Well, all our names start with "J" and we like to be called "JP". So, to keep from being mixed up, among ourselves and a few others, we call ourselves by the order of our birth. I am Third. I am the one who loves video games. I am nothing like my brothers nor do I want to be. I just wanted to play video games when I'm interrupted again]

Fourth: Third, mom and dad want to video chat again!

[Great. Just what I needed. I head to our living room that has a large television screen. The television is attached to a computer so when we video chat we have a bigger screen to look at. My parents are already on screen when I walk in]

Dad: Third, thank you for coming!

Third: You need to stop this, dad. I already told you that the answer was no!

Mom: Honey, you really need to reconsider this.

Third: Why don't you ask Fifth? It makes more sense for him to be picked. Why does it have to be me?

Dad: You're the normal one.

Third: Tell me about it.

Dad: First wants to be an actor. Second is too rebellious. Fourth is too irresponsible. Fifth wants to be a doctor. You are the only one who is normal.

The 3rd Meets the Five (Quintessential Quintuplets Story)Where stories live. Discover now