Chapter 2

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Third POV

[My brothers and stared at the five sisters. Time seemed frozen for like an enternity while we were standing there. The girls looked different enough. Us boys however were a different story. I walk over towards Miku]

Third: Miku, I...

Nino: Can someone please explain why you five look exactly the same?

[I step forward]

Third: To be fair, we didn't know all of you were sisters. We are the Poole brothers. Our father owns a billion dollar company. Us boys are Quintuplets.

Yotsuba: Hey! Just like us!

Nino: You all look the same! How do we tell you apart.

Fifth: Sorry but we don't disclose such information. Only close people can know.

Third: Well of our personalities are different enough. I guess that would be enough to tell who's who. But how tell from a glance we will not tell you.

Itsuki: So which one is JP?

Third: We all are. All of our names start with "J" and our last name starts with "P". We all like to be called that so when we're amongst ourselves, we call each other by number of which were born. I am Third and so on.

Yostuba: Okay! Let's guess who's who!

Fifth: Or we could just towards our respective girl.

Yotsuba: What fun would that be?

Fourth: I know right!

Yotsuba: You must be my boy! Get over here!

Fourth: Hi. I'm Fourth.

Itsuki: It's easy to tell which boy is mine. He has books.

Fifth: Hello. I'm Fifth.

Nino: Which one of you knows what color my nails were earlier today?

[Second answers the question correctly]

Nino: Get over here, handsome! Let's have fun!

Ichika: Someone say the line after this one.

[Ichika says a line and First responds]

Ichika: Hey, let's head to my room to chat. Don't worry about the mess.

[Then that left me with Miku]

Miku: So...

Third: I'm Third.

Miku: So, want to chill in my room and chat?

Third: Sure.

[Miku and head over to her room and talk the night away. We started with lighter subjects but then went deeper]

Miku: That's a lot of pressure. Your parents wanting you to be the heir.

Third: My brothers are so annoying. I wish they were normal.

Miku: There is no such thing as normal.

Third: True.

Miku: Can you tell me how we can tell you guys apart from a glance?

Third: What fun would that be? I'm sure you'll figure it out. You're super smart.

Miku: Challenge accepted. Here's a funny question. Do you guys do switcheroos?

Third: All the time. I'm the one they all turn to. I can impersonate any of them perfectly and no one would know the difference.

Miku: I'll figure it out.

The 3rd Meets the Five (Quintessential Quintuplets Story)Where stories live. Discover now