Chapter 12

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3rd Person POV

[Yotsuba had just asked out Third. The rest of the sisters just stared in disbelief that they got beaten by her. Third looked around the room desperately looking for an out. Futaro gave him one]

Futaro: No one will go to the dance unless your homework is done and your grades get better. I called your father and told him about using the dance as a reward.

Nino: You did what?

Futaro: So now if you want to go to the dance, you have to pass all of your subjects!

[The girls stared in fear. Including Yotsuba. This included her too. Third looks at Futaro and mouths a "Thank you" and then leaves. The sisters were enraged not only with Yotsuba but with Futaro]

Nino: Look at what you did, Futaro! You made him leave!

Futaro: Well, romance and dating is a waste of time.

Yotsuba: How would you know? Have you ever dated anyone, Uesugi-san?

Futaro: No but...

Nino: Then you should stop saying things without knowing the facts.

Miku: I think we're all missing the real issue here. Yotsuba, since when did you like Third?

Yotsuba: I've liked Third for a while. I just kept it hidden so you didn't suspect a thing! I went in for a sneak attack and almost got away with it.

Futaro: What's so special about this guy anyway?

[Each sister gives Futaro their reasons]

Futaro: Wow.

Itsuki: Well we better get studying and pass all of our next tests if we want to go to the dance.

Nino: Did it have to be all of us or can the ones that pass go?

Futaro: He said all of you so you better get to it!

[Futaro smiles. He finally found a way to make the girls study. He looked at each girl and each one was covered in sweat. They were working hard. Futaro was certain that this was going to work. It had to]

[Third is back at his place. Fourth tells him that their parents wanted another video conference. Third went to the conference room]

Third: Hey, guys.

Father: Hello, son. I'm glad you're doing okay.

Third: I'm doing okay as well as a boy whose brother is in jail can.

Father: That was unfortunate. Now you understand why you must be the heir.

Third: I'm starting to see it.

Father: Good. I spoke to the father of the girl you saved.

Third: Did you now?

Father: Yes. Apparently they've taken a liking to you and he's hoping you choose one of them.

Third: I only like one of them but not in that way. I don't do relationships.

Mother: Who knows? This girl could change that for you!

Third: I seriously doubt it. Are we done? Can I leave?

Father: No. You will be attending an event for young entrepreneurs and you're a guest of honor.

Third: Why?

Father: It is huge news to know that the Poole Corp. has chosen an heir.

Third: I haven't accepted though.

Mother: Think of it as an opportunity to get closer to that girl you were talking about.

[Third's eyes widen]

Third: When is the event?

Father: At the end of this week. I heard that you're dance is next week.

Third: Yeah.

Father: Maybe the girl who asks you to the dance you will take to the event.

[Third gives it some thought]

Third: No. I'm going old fashioned. I'm going to ask someone myself. Now I have to go.

[Third ends the call. He walks to his room. He already knows who he wanted to take to the event. He was determined to take Miku. Little did he know that other sisters weren't going to make it that simple for him]

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