Chapter 15

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??? POV

[Third just had just introduced me as his date. Hearing him say that made me so happy. As soon as we walked through the doors, I immediately saw many people. I'm not the best in crowds but since I have Third here, I'll be fine. I look and see the dance floor. It was a little intimidating but I knew that I could do it. He was bombarded with people. I stayed close to him though. I didn't want to be left behind. He held me close. Even with all of these people he can keep his cool]

Third POV

[I'm totally freaking out right now. There are way too many people here. I am being asked questions left and right. People wanting be my friend and so forth. I keep my date next to me. Seriously, if she left me than I would have to talk to people. I look at the dance floor. It was my out! I grab her hand and take her to the dance floor]

Third: May I have this dance?

???: Yes.

[I gently take her hand and we start dancing. She's not that bad at this. I'm very surprised. She smiled at me and I smiled back. I could the look in her eyes that all of the people were scaring her. Honestly I'm intimidated too but with her with me I'm okay.]

Third: You really look great. May I ask why you wore a veil?

???: I'm intimidated by crowds. I didn't want anyone to see my face.

Third: Why not?

???: My sisters gave me the idea. Let's say something goes wrong tonight. My face will be everywhere. We all share the same face...

Third: You just don't want your sisters to be embarrassed too since people can't really tell you apart. People can tell by your hair styles you know?

???: Well, tonight, no one can see my hair. This veil wraps around my whole face. You can only see my eyes.

Third: May I ask why?

???: I like to be mysterious.

[That makes total sense. It's something she totally would do]

??? POV

[The dance is so romantic. He spins me a couple of times. It's like the Beauty and the Beast without the Beast. Maybe I should ask him to the dance. But I promised my sisters that I wouldn't. As I'm dancing I suddenly trip and land hard on my knee]

???: Ouch.

Third: Hey! Are you okay?

???: I'm okay. But I think I'll sit down for a while. Okay?

Third: Okay. Why did you fall?

???: I can't remember. I need to sit down.

Third: Okay. Where do you want to sit?

???: It's okay. I'll be fine. Go talk to people. I'll hit the restroom. I'll be right back.

Third POV

[My date walks away. I hope she's okay. That looked like a nasty fall. I walk away to talk to some folks. I seriously hope she doesn't take long. I can't talk to all of these people. She walks back to me but wearing a gold dress.]

??? POV

[I see Third talking to some people. I walk over to him. I see the dance floor. I want to dance with him. I quickly take his hand and pull him onto the dance floor. He was shocked by my action]

Third: Whoa! You really want to dance? I thought you'd only dance once.

???: I like to try new things. No one knows who I am so I can be anyone tonight.

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