Moving in

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I woke up with the light in my eyes, bright and scary. I stretched, after I looked around. Confused at first of my surroundings then remembering, I'm living with Yoongi.

How did I get here you may ask?
Simple, it started on a Saturday morning.

One week earlier

As I thought about nothing while eating my food I noticed my mother was happier than usual.

"What's up mother?"
I asked her waiting for a response.

"Oh sweetie! I just convinced Mrs. Min to have her son and you live together!"
She said happily jumping up and down.

Though she was happy I was not.
I was shocked and couldn't comprehend what was happening.

Yoongi and I live together?!
In the same house for more than an hour!!

"W-wait what?!"
I asked very confused.

"We will help you pack, and when you get there he will help you bring your possessions in the house!"
She said as her eyes are filled with joy.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing!
I was going to have to live with a huge jerk for who knows how long!

"Mother, do you not think this is a little to fast?"
I asked hoping that will change her mind about me moving with him.

"No sweetie, it's fine!"
She said getting up and clapping her hands together in excitement.

"Now, should we start packing?"
She said already going up stairs.
I sighed following close behind her.

"I already got most of your things packed!"
She said looking at my room, as I scan the area barely realizing it was actually quite empty.

"So you have planned this for awhile?"
I asked now looking at her.

"Hehe yup!"
She said while picking up my laptop and other possessions on the desk.

I then went out and grabbed a back pack from the garage. When getting back to the room I stuff the items in the back pack neatly and carefully.

"How long will I be there for?"
I asked nervous for the answer.

"We don't know yet but longer than 8 months."
She said smiling at me.

"Why are you so happy?"
I asked. Was she happy I was leaving? Did she not want me here anymore?

"Because.... I well."
She was struggling, but then spoke.
"I'm not gonna lie, so I'll tell you why..... it's cause I think Yoongi and you will be a great match with each other and I want him to be my son in law and I want you to be happy!"

Although she said it quickly I knew every word she said and I could never erase this memory.

"What? Yoongi and I a good match?!"
It was a weird thing to ever think of. We never got along. I'm much more charming. He is no fun. I am the most funnest person.

"We are literally the opposite of each other."
I said trying to prove my point.

"Yin and Yang, the opposite of each other but they go well with each other."
She said sweetly.

"Ahh noooooooo."
I said really dreading the idiom she just used on me.

"Let's just hurry and pack."
I said finishing up the items in my back pack.

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