Starting Again

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" The rag...pass it to me " 

You nod gently, handing the paint and blood soaked rag to the toymaker with a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Despite you living in Jason's world for a few months you hadn't gotten used to the smell of..well death. Even though you were in his life now Jason still killed on a regular basis, something about controlling his anger at your mistakes he said. You had never made one mistake to your beloved toymaker, not any you knew of anyway. Perhaps he means when you muck up his work with his precious dolls as you knew how much they meant to him. You didn't mind his harsh words and violent swings though, you loved him all the same and it was you and only you that got to look into those deep, glimmering and hot green eyes everyday. That alone was worth any punishment the toymaker could give out.

You watch in awe as Jason wipes away the excessive paint from the doll's face, the skin now as porcelain as his. He sighs contently, turning to you with that innocent smile of his. It was a smile you knew that despite its sweetness held a deep and sinister secret. A love for violence and blood matched by no other human on this Earth. weren't on Earth and Jason certainly wasn't human and neither were you. You sigh softly but unlike Jason your sigh was filled with sadness and sorrow. You still missed your world, the seven or so hours at the shop not quenching your thirst to be there but instead making it worse. You had tried once to ask the toymaker if you could take a day off to explore the world, a question that ended up in a bruised arm and slashed side that was followed by hours of apology after the golden eyed man had finally brought himself back down. At least one good thing came out of the situation. You found that re wallpapering the bedroom would be a waste, knowing full well that Jason would use it as a scratch post when he got angry again. 

" What is it, my dear doll? " Jason takes his black hand, resting it under your chin as he lifts your gaze to look at him. His teeth were now sharp and his eyes now glimmering bright in the workshop's dim lighting. His smile had curled into a smirk and his snow white nails dug into the skin on your face, blood droplets dripping down your neck and onto the wooden floor with a gentle drip. You stay silent though, not wanting to anger the toymaker further at missing your homeworld. He scowls deeply, throwing your face away from his and turning to his newest creation once more. You smile despite the pain. It wasn't that you liked the way he treated you at times but at the same time you knew he couldn't help it. He was a monster disguised as the sweetest man, a sweet man that snowed his affection through blood and fights, through swings of his knife and gashes from his hatchet. Your heart sang with a dark glee whenever he was near and that was enough to assure you that things would work out, they always did. 

The toymaker places his new doll on a damp nearby table, standing back for a moment and smirking at his creation. It was your idea to have Jason create dolls for the store, hoping it would curb his temper somewhat. It didn't work but you couldn't deny that he was good at his craft and that his talents would be a waste if not used.  In the corner of your eyes you see a green shine, becoming brighter with each hollow step he took. You kept your head down, expecting Jason to lash out. You close your (E/C) eyes, nothing came. No weapon, no sharp nails. Nothing. Instead you feel arms wrap tightly around you, moist and fresh blood staining your clothes a deep crimson. 

" My dear, do not say if you are not ready but as my chosen the truth will come out eventually " You nod again, finally opening your eyes to meet Jason's golden orbs. 

" I know that, my dear maker " Jason smirks, seeing you smile gently before pressing his black coated lips to yours in a gentle kiss.  You grip his brown waistcoat tightly, pulling him closer as you both close your eyes lovingly, savouring the kiss as long as it lasted. For a monster Jason's lips were always warm, yet you expected them to be cold to match his cold blood behaviour. It doesn't last though. The door to the workshop opens with a heavy bang, shaking the room violently. A flash of light blue enters in the room penetrating the darkness. You and Jason part, much to your misery and you could see the anger in the toymaker's eyes at being interrupted once again and with a hefty sigh he lets go of you and steps up to the door.

" Hello Candy " Candypop smirks, showing of his rows of sharp teeth. 

" I have told you two before. Get a room hahaha! "


Welcome to the sequal to The Chosen One guys. I know you have all been waiting for this for some time. Let's hope it is as good as what came before :)


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