Something dark this way comes

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Ardin awoke to the sound of birds chirping and something being thrown at his window, once he opened his window he was assaulted by a small piece of ice that belonged to Sapphire. Alongside her was the Scottish pyromancer Salamander "Oi Ardin! Get oot a yer room and doon 'ere!" She said in an impatient tone.

"Alright calm down, let me get dressed first" Ardin said.

"Awright but hurry up!" Salamander replied.

Ardin had just gotten to his friends with plans to look around the academy more, today was their equivalent of Saturday in that world. They explored around until a man was seen in the distance, said man was waring a black cloak that hid most of his features but what was visible was piercing, glowing brass coloured eyes that held a pure unadulterated hatred, but for what? The second after the trio had seen him he was gone, just like that. Ardin had a shocked look on his face, but not for the reason that his friends had. The man that was in front of them had stopped time to move away, luckily Ardin kept hold of his Chronomancers watch at all times.

The trio decided it would be best to find a teacher and it just so happened to be Mr. Xelor they saw which caused the usually over enthusiastic man had a look of worry on his face "That is... quite worrying. You're sure the man had brass eyes?" He said before Ardin replied.

"Yes, the weirdest thing is that he stopped time to get away, are there any rouge Chronomancers around?" He asked, prompting a nod from his teacher.

"Yes, Addrexium Chonoctus Aka Chronon. He hunts any Chronomancer he sees" Xelor explained solemnly.

"I had just hoped it would have been longer before he caught wind of your existence. From now on we are going to focus on your offensive and defensive Chronomancy if the case ever arises you are caught alone" Xelor said before rooting in his pocket and bringing out a tiny sword which he handed to Ardin.

"Replace the minute hand of your Chronomancers watch with this, your current weapon Is quite weak" Xelor told Ardin which the latter then done, though pocketing the minute hand just in case.

"Return to your room for now Ardin, it is one of the most guarded areas" Xelor told Ardin who then followed the request.

Hey guys sorry for the long wait, I had a massive writers block and had no idea for where to make the story go

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