Dark fire

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Ardin entered his classroom, Xelor was waiting patiently for him behind his desk with his Chronomancer's watch in hand "Ah Ardin, glad you're finally here." he said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I had an odd dream that was about something called a brave new world? I don't really understand what it meant." Ardin bullshitted convincingly.

"Hmm, sounds like you might have still been shaken up by Chronon's sudden arrival." Xelor said with a shrug, he stood up from his desk and stretched.

"Ok, today we are focusing on your offensive magic." Xelor said before a certain Scottish Pyromancer kicked the door of its hinges with a fire empowered foot.

"ARDIN HOLY FUCK GET YER ASS OOT HERE!" Salamander yelled before grabbing Ardin and putting him over her shoulder and running out the class. Ardin was incredibly confused.

"SAL WHY AND WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" He yelled in confusion.

"COURTYARD! BECAUSE I NEED TAE SHOW YE SOMETHING YE TIME CONTROLLIN' DAFTY!" Salamander yelled in reply before she put Ardin down onto the stone-paved ground beneath them.
Once she had done that she made... Umbrakinetic fire appear in her hands, the fire was so dark it could be seen as an ever dancing abyss. Obviously Ardin was surprised.

"The Woman visited you too!?" He yelled in shock, not expecting the other person she was going to meet was going to be our favourite scotswoman.

"She did a damn bit maire than just visitin' me." Salamander said.

"Let me see yer clock hing." She continued.

"Its called a Chronomancer's Watch" Ardin said in a joking tone.

"Ah dinae care what its called just show me it" Salamander retorted as she stretched her arm towards Ardin who begrudgingly gave her the watch which now had the abyss black runes visible again.

"There" Ardin said as Salamander examined the watch.

She then took a piece of paper from god knows where and put it side by side with Ardin's watch, prompting a confused look from the Chronomancer in question. Eventually Salamander spoke again "Aye those are the symbols that lady showed me, though I dinae ken why" she said before handing the watch back "Here" Salamander said as she tossed the watch into Ardin's hands.

Sorry about the wait, I have been preoccupied with some stuff but I will try and post as often as I can

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