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Alex hadn't been to work for over a week now. His new boss understood why, but seeing Alex so depressed hurt me. I had gotten used to just hovering over Alex in the week that had passed since my murder.

My funeral was due in two days. My parents and my sister had flown from Ohio as soon as they heard I was dead. Alex met them once, three days ago. He cried when he saw them and turned around returning to his dungeon that was previously known as our apartment. I wish I could tell him to try to move on, I did not exist anymore and he should continue his life. I got depressed myself when I watched him. I wandered away from the bed where Alex laid, walking down the stairs.

The apartment was dusty now, since Alex hadn't cleaned anything for a week. In the week that had passed I had learned a lot about living in the afterlife. All the movies make it seem like you can go through stuff like doors, but that in reality was not true.

I could not magically go through doors. My only way to get around was either wait for someone to open the door or channel some sort of energy of a person I would like to be near. I don't know how it works, but it does somehow.

The day after Alex met my parents I had channeled my parents and somehow ended up in their presence. It was weird seeing them. My sister for instance lived, talked and acted as if nothing had happened. My parents however was heartbroken. It broke my heart seeing them like that. My mom cried every time she thought no one saw, and my dad cried every time my name was mentioned.

I decided not to dwell more on both Alex and my family. I really felt the urge to see Anne again. I hadn't seen her since the police station. I did not quit know how I channeled someone, but I just started to think about Anne.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was no longer in the apartment. I was in a lavish house, Anne's parents house, looking up on Anne who stood on top of the stairs. Anne wasn't tall, I was approximately two inches taller than her which I used to tease her about. I met Anne at the party that Alex took me to. We didn't hit it off right away, I thought she was mean like Natalie, but after meeting her a couple of times, she was really cool.

Anne, unlike Alex and my parents, looked as if it was any other day. She didn't seem depressed which was refreshing. Her parents wasn't home, I could tell that by how quiet it was. Whenever her parents were home you used to hear loud chattering or screaming.

Her parents always argued whenever I was there. Anne moved down the stairs elegantly like she always did. She headed for the front door. She walked right through me. That was another thing about the afterlife that puzzled me. I could not walk through objects or people, but they could walk right through me. It was weird.

Anne opened up the door to a package that laid on the doormat. She took the box and went towards the kitchen. She hurried to open it. I was getting curious as to what crazy thing she had planned. Every time she ordered a package and she was this eager to unpack it, it usually was something crazy that she was excited about. She took out the content.

It was rectangular box, I couldn't read what it said on the front, but looked like some sort of a puzzle game. I inched closer to get a better look. I was now leaving over Anne's shoulder and I could finally read what it said. Ouija board. She took out her phone. I could see she was texting someone. I inched even closer. She was beginning a text with Alex

I've got it now

I couldn't see what Alex replied, but I heard Anne's phone buzz and I knew he had replied. She ran over to the front door putting on her shoes and jacket. I decided to follow Anne to make sure, or at least hope that Anne and Alex wouldn't do anything stupid. I ran after Anne who'd sprinted towards her car.

I halted when I got through the front door. There was a girl standing there. She looked around 3 or 4 years old. She had blond curly hair and green eyes. She looked directly on me. I was astonished by the sight. A little girl that actually saw me. For a week no one could see me or hear me and suddenly a little girl was looking at me. I stared at her not saying anything. I blinked and then the little girl was gone. Was she dead to? A ghost like me? Anne started the car and I jumped in the window that was open.

We drove to Alex's apartment. Anne parked the car and bolted towards the apartment, I tried to follow, but Anne ran faster than I did. Still when I was dead, I could not run faster than her. Alex stood in the door holding it opened for Anne. Anne has slowed down so I walked in the door before she went in. Alex shut the door once inside. They went up the stairs to our bedroom and I finally understood what they were trying to do. They had bought the ouija board to contact someone. Me

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