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April 5th, spring

I couldn't believe my own eyes. I was pregnant. The pregnancy test showed a clear plus sign. I am still young, only twenty. I still had no degree, at least not yet, but Alex would have. His final exams were coming up soon and then he would have a degree in finances. Some sort of income at least. Could we keep the baby still? My thoughts wondered off to debate as to what to do. I came to a conclusion at last. I texted Alex.

I have something to tell you, can you meet me soon?

What's up babe? Something wrong?

We need to talk face to face. Nothing's wrong, but I don't want to tell you this over message.

I'll be right over

It didn't take him long before he was at my door. The butterflies in stomach went crazy when he entered the room. It wasn't planned, we did not even live together yet. We would take over the apartment in July so we would not live together for another three months. I smiled at him and he leaned down giving me a kiss. It was tender and gentle.

"We should sit down" I said and ushered him over to the couch.

"What's going on?" He looked curiously at me.

"I don't know how to tell you... wait here and I'll show you" I hurried over to the bathroom and took the pregnancy test that I had layed down by the sink. I returned to the couch, hiding it behind my back.  I hand him the test just to see his reaction. At first he just looked at it. I hope he was happy, but his face was unreadable.

"This is..." he began. He looked up at me grinning. "This is amazing! It wasn't exactly as we planned, but oh my god!" He hugged me. We sat there for hours happy over the news.

May 24th, spring

"You're 10 weeks pregnant" the gynecologist looked fixated on the screen. There wasn't much to see, There was a spot on the screen that kind of looked like a misshaped circle.

"If we are lucky we might hear the heart beating, but don't be scared if we don't. Most of the time we can't hear the heart for at least two more weeks" the gynecologist smiled. She turned on the sound on the ultra sound machine. We did not hear the baby's heart, unfortunately.

"According to this ultrasound, and your last period, I would say your due date is 23 December, but we will not know a hundred percent until your screening in week 18". Alex and I looked at each other. I am so excited for this baby and so was Alex.

July 19, summer

I woke up to Alex making breakfast. I had gotten bigger but I wasn't that big, being that this was my first pregnancy. Today was finally the day of my screening, the day we would know a hundred percent what gender the baby was. Alex wished for a girl. He said that girls are easier when they are young to potty train and to behave in general. I personally wished for a boy, but I had a feeling it was a girl. I would love the baby no matter what the gender was anyways.

It was only two weeks until me Alex finally moved in together, but for now we were changing which dorm we would sleep in together. Alex entered the room with the breakfast he made.

"how are you feeling" he said sitting down next to me. I couldn't help but think about what gender it would be.

"I'm a little nervous, but I'm also excited" I grabbed the plate with food he had made me. It was baked beans with tomato, eggs and bacon. Before my pregnancy, I hated tomatos, but now I could not have enough of them. I had to have tomatos with almost everything I was eating. I just craved them all the time. before I thought that you would crave sweets and unhealthy food, but I couldn't stand neither.

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