The summoning

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It was 3 A.M. Alex and Anne started the ritual.

"Is there anyone there that would like to talk to us" Anne asked out loud. Even thought couldn't feel the cold, I could feel something eerie happening in the room. Ghostly figures lurking everywhere, scared to walk up to the ouija board. I didn't how to use one, especially not from this side. The only thing I remembered people said about ouija board was to always say goodbye.

"Clarissa?" Alex looked down on the ouija board hoping I was there. I sat down beside them and tried to think about how I could use this ouija board. I put my finger on the piece that they had their fingers on, I didn't know what it was called but it was a rectangular piece with a circle in it.

I guess that's where the letter of a word that the spirits would try to say. I fingers hit the piece on jolt energy spurred up my arm. I somehow understood that I could move to piece because without even thinking about it I was moving it towards yes.

"Is this Clarissa?" Anne asked. Alex's eyes where filled up with tears. I moved the chip to yes again.

"Are you alright" Anne asked. I didn't know what to answer. Hovering over your loved ones wasn't exactly what I would call alright, but at the same time I did not want worry them. I moved the chip to yes again. It was nice to actually have a way to talk with them again, even though it went very slowly because I hade to spell out all I wanted to say.

"Where have you been?" Anne looked around the room and returned her gaze to the board. I spelled out Alex. He gasped when he saw the spelling. He hadn't said much during the session.

"Who murdered you?" Alex asked surprising both me and Anne. I started spelling out the words.

"I don't know" they said simultaneously.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Anne and Alex sat anxiously waiting. I was spelled out bar. The session continued with them asking me a lot of questions about the night of the murder. I hadn't noticed it before but now I could see that the ghostly figures that was lurking around in the beginning was now inched forward towards us. They did not give me a good vibe. The time was 3:58 A.M.

I had heard once that the ghost hour only lasted from 3 to 4 A.M which meant that they only had two minutes left. They too must have registered the time because they both said their goodbyes. I said goodbye to and I could feel the energy that I first felt when I touched the piece left my arm the second I said goodbye.

They closed up the game. I wandered away not interested in their silence. They did not talk after the session. Anne ran out the door without saying goodbye to Alex, leaving the ouija board behind

I sat in the kitchen while Alex slept. When you are dead you don't have to sleep so you're just awake all the time. Sometimes it's annoying and other times it's refreshing. You get a lot of time to think about why you're still hovering around people.

Besides from the girl I hadn't seen anyone else. I had never seen her before that day, but I couldn't shake the feeling of something, I don't know, familiar about her. My thoughts wandered off. I looked out the window. Whenever I couldn't sleep, when I was alive, I always sat in the kitchen looking out the windows admiring the view of skyscrapers. I looked over to the stairs leading up to the bedroom. That's when I noticed her. It was the little girl.

"Hey" I said "are you okay?" I tried walking up to her. She just stood there, her green eyes following me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I never got one" the girl answered. She looked down.

"Are you alone?" I paced closer to her. I was so close to her. I hunched down to get a better look. The girl looked up at me. Her fierce green eyes stared at mine and then suddenly she was gone again. Mesmerized by the situation. I sat there staring at where the girl once sat.

My daze was cut off by the sound of a alarm. I looked up the stairs to see Alex awake dressing himself for work. Was he finally going to work? He hurried down the stairs, walking right through me.

That was another thing I had somewhat gotten used to, being walked right trough. In the beginning I always thought you would feel something, but it does not. It's still weird but I had gotten used to it. Alex, fully dressed want into the hall putting on his shoes. He was actually going to work. That was good. Maybe something good came out of the session, he seemed happier.

He walked out the door. I was then alone in the apartment. I didn't want to follow him to work. I went over to the kitchen and sat down on the chair and looked out the window. I couldn't stop thinking about Alex's mood and the little girl.

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