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Jealousy. What did Addie mean by that. I was murdered because of someone's jealousy. Why and who? These thoughts drifted off to more and more questions and before I knew it, I was back in the apartment. It was dark outside so it had to be night time. Alex wasn't home yet. Addie hadn't showed up again, but I knew she would. It was beginning to irritate me that she always disappeared. She would always reveal something and then the next second she would be gone. My thoughts wander off

I'm interrupted by a loud bang. I look over at the clock in the kitchen. 2 A.M. the apartment is then filled with laughter. I recognize Alex's laughter. He was drunk, but then suddenly I hear a unfamiliar laugh. I follow the laughters to their source. Alex was hunched over, barely standing and a girl standing next to her holding  him up. I recognize her immediately. It was Natalie. I didn't like her.

She always was so bitchy towards me, even though I was only kind to her. I didn't know what wrong I had done to her to make her hate as much as she did, but I guess I would just have to live with it. Or had to before, I didn't have to live anymore.

"Let's get you to bed Alex" Natalie laughed and pulled Alex after herself. My stomach was turning inside out the closer they got to the bedroom. I didn't want her there.

"Thank you Natalie" Alex says as his face slams into the bed. I had never seen Alex this drunk before. Natalie helps him under the cover and tucks him in. I especially didn't like this, and before I knew it she was kissing him. I felt like I was about to vomit. I fall to the ground. I couldn't watch this, it is to painful. The pain in my abdomen worsened the longer I watched this monstrosity. How could she? It wasn't that long ago since I was still alive.

"Clarissa?" Alex breaks of the kiss from Natalie.

"No, forget about her, it's you and me now" she replied continuing kissing him. Before I even knew it, I had walked and yanked her out of the way, and to my surprise it actually worked. Natalie flew to the other side of the bedroom. Looking startled, Natalie ran out of the apartment screaming.

Alex, during this time, had fallen asleep and hardly noticed what had happened. I couldn't believe Natalie would use this situation against him. I had gotten the impression the first couple of times that I met Natalie, that she had a thing for Alex; but I never gave it a second thought.

Is this what Addie meant by jealousy? That Natalie could be one of the reasons why I'm dead? It wouldn't make sense since we hadn't seen or been with Natalie for several months. No sane human would ever murder someone because of someone's boyfriend. But then again Natalie wasn't the sanest person I knew.

I was heading over to Anne. I knew Natalie was there already, since Anne texted me telling me that. She knew me and Natalie never really hit it off. After the party that Alex invited me to, had Anne and I really started to hit it off. I was just glad that I finally had a new friend.

I couldn't say the same about Natalie. After Alex kissed me the first time, had Natalie given the cold shoulder. I hadn't done anything towards her, but I guess it was just a statement saying that she just didn't like me. I was cool with that for now. I arrive at Anne's parents house. It was the second time I was there. The sight of the house just took my breath away, as it did the first time.

Anne never talked about it, but by the looks of it her parents had to be rich. I ring the doorbell. To my surprise, Natalie is the one opening the door.

"Oh, it's you" she turns around not giving me another glance. I enter the house to Anne running over to me and hugs me.

"It took ages before you came Claire" Anne hugs me laughing. I could smell the alcohol in her breath.

"Yeah, I was with Alex" I replied. Alex and I had spend most of our free time together for the last month. Actually from our kiss at the party. Anne pulls me after her into her kitchen. Natalie was sitting there patiently. She didn't say anything to me for the next hour, she ignored all of my attempts to talk to her. It frustrated me.

The awkwardness starts when Anne decides that we need more wine and goes down in her wine cellar to fetch some. Natalie and I sit in silence, not talking.

"Why do you hate me?" I try to break the eyes. For the first time since she opened the door, she looks at me. She doesn't reply, she just looks at me. Several minutes goes by and Natalie still hadn't said anything. Natalie stands up and we are now only a few centimeters away from each other.

A grasping pain comes across my face. She had slapped me. Without any reason. I decided right then that I wasn't going to try anymore. I text Anne saying I was leaving.

As I said, Natalie wasn't the sanest person I knew

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