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It's up! The new story is up and I'd love for everyone to give it a chance, please!

I've got the description right here:

Visiting California for the summer, Dan and Phil are in the Youtube center of the world, where they've been asked to be in a movie starring various large Youtubers to show their lives and video making careers. Along for the ride is Jenna Marbles, Smosh, Shane Dawson, Pewdiepie and Niga Higa: Youtubers who've made it big even after rough lives. Once these internet stars meet and try working together, they soon realize things, not only about each other but about themselves. It'll take work to get them to cooperate so this movie can happen, but are they willing to try?

Now, I know, it sounds like there's no romance in there or anything, but this focuses on relationships too. And it's not all in the P.O.V. of Dan, it's equal parts of everybody. It'll show everybody at some point. The fort chapter isn't all of them, but there will be everybody, I promise.

Just go on my page and you'll find. Thanks!

Ian Hecox: The Man Who Saved My Life (Smosh)Where stories live. Discover now