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After being 'found' by Leng Yufeng, Shang Wuxin had been staying in the crown prince's residence to recuperate. The officials who wanted to visit the crown prince were all rejected.

While Shang Wuxin sat in the study room reading a book, Fearless said with a smile in his eyes, "Crown Prince, General Leng is here!" As expected, he saw the Crown Prince looking at him with a stiff face, then he pursed his lips and didn't want to say anything.

Ever since Leng Yufeng had brought the 'severely injured' crown prince back to his residence in the forest, he had been running towards the crown prince's residence for several days. Every time he came, he would stand beside the crown prince without saying a word, claiming that he was a subordinate of the imperial bodyguard. Who would dare call the renowned general Leng, a guest, but whether Leng Yufeng treated the crown prince respectfully or not? What left Shang Wuxin helpless was that he could not chase Leng Yuefeng away. Besides, Leng Yuefeng was not a bad person to Shang Wuxin, so as long as he heard that Leng Yufeng had come to the crown prince's residence, Shang Wuxin had a headache.

However, Leng Yufeng walked into the study room of the crown prince's residence after a while. Of course, he could enter the study room so casually, partly because the crown prince was here and partly because Shang Wuxin trusted Leng Yufeng.

Leng Yufeng had a clear and bright countenance, straight nose and thin lips, and the corners of his mouth faintly curled up. He carried a natural arrogance! Even if he was to walk with the searing Han Xuanhao, his temperament did not lose out in the slightest! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... However, Leng Yuefeng was clearly not as fast as Han Xuanhao, because the moment Han Xuanhao entered the study room, he ran to Shang Wuxin's side.

"Crown Prince, isn't it annoying to watch all these everyday?" It's been a long time since you've been with me? Han Xuanhao unhurriedly took the book from the crown prince's hands. He then looked at the book with disdain. No matter how he looked at it, it didn't look as good as his own. Why would the crown prince rather spend all day reading these things instead of going to his own courtyard?

"Huh?" Shang Wuxin looked at Han Xuanhao with a faint smile. "Have I ever been with you?" How come I didn't know! Most of the time, Shang Wuxin could not figure out how Han Xuanhao could be a top-level assassin, but he was more than a woman could handle. Luckily, Han Xuanhao was not a woman, otherwise who would be able to take the pressure from him?

"Really, Crown Prince, you only know how to bully me!" Han Xuanhao replied coquettishly.

The more Leng Yufeng saw of their flirting, the worse his expression became. He felt that the Crown Prince had always been the type of person who didn't have good eyes. How could he have his eyes set on such a woman! Even though this girl looked pretty good, she was simply too demonic. Furthermore, she knew how to pester the crown prince without any rules. Leng Yufeng felt that this girl was not worthy of the crown prince.

"General Leng!" Shang Wuxin nodded towards the black-faced Leng Yufeng, pointing at the chair for Leng Yufeng to sit on. Han Xuanhao, who was hanging beside him, could only discontentedly sit on the chair under the Crown Prince's gaze.

Ever since he had received the news that the crown prince was safe, Leng Yufeng knew that the first thing the crown prince had done was not to tell him that he trusted him 100%. He felt wronged and that was why he had lost face these days, but he also knew that if he wanted the crown prince to believe that he relied on him for time and time, then his shameless actions these days would bring him a lot closer to the crown prince.

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