Chapter 5 - Hey Kashi'?

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A slight gasp escaped Y/N's lips as she curiously watched as the morning light beamed onto Kakashi. It was true that Kakashi was good-looking, but Y/N wasn't one of his fangirls, far from it. She loved to irritate him though, in situations like these.

"Hey 'Kashi?"

"I told you, stop calling me that"

"Do we have any missions today?"


"Are you bored?"


"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Shut up will you"


"It wasn't a question"

"You sure? It sure sounded like one"

He groaned in annoyance.
"Then why do you even come here if you don't want to talk or do anything!?"

As for an answer, Kakashi facepalmed.
"You idiot, this is called the training grounds for a reason. Its where shinobi improve their skill, not talk"

Y/N continued, completely ignoring the irritation radiating off Kakashi.

"By the way, where's Rin and Obi- your other teammate at?"

"I dont know and I dont care"

"Rude much"


"Is that your catch phrase or something?"

Deciding it was better to ignore the irritations around him, Kakashi began testing his speed over a certain distance. Truth be told, the only reason why Kakashi kept by Y/N's side was the guilt. Guilt from years ago. He was there, witnessed it, and didn't even move a hand to help.

He simply watched as a large group of people from their previous class had ganged up on the poor girl. Kakashi knew she could take them all on, but she didn't even try to resist as much. It was clearly visible that she didn't have any urge to stop the painful beatings. It was like she wanted to feel the pain, as if repaying for some sin she'd committed - this being her form of retribution. Knowing this was wrong, Kakashi was going to help after a ridiculously long time. However, someone had acted before him. A dark-haired Uchiha boy, the very same one that is currently on his team. Obito had helped the girl, all the while Kakashi just watched. He felt somewhat useless, just like when his father had...

Driving these thoughts away, Kakashi activated his incomplete jutsu, the Chidori. Electric coloured lightning bolts shot from Kakashi's hand.

Y/N stared in awe as the killer technique sent flickers of light of off itself.

"Hey, Kashi? Is that a new jutsu you made?"

"Shut up for a minute"
At incredible speed, Kakashi ran towards the tree that had been Y/N's target earlier. The hand covered by lighting dug into the tree's trunk, then through it in a neat slashing motion.

The bluish lightning flickers stopped after the attack as Kakashi righted himself into an upright standing position. He turned to face Y/N who watched in astonishment. Sparkles erupted in her eyes as she nearly screamed:
Y/N guessed that Kakashi was smirking beneath that covering mask of his, she was almost certain that he liked her reaction.

"You don't use lightning style, stupid"

"And how do you know?" Y/N challenged back.
He gave her the 'seriously?' look.
"Well, let me at least try using lightning style 'kay? Show me an easy lightning jutsu. Pleasee"

Y/N tried using her best puppy eyes against Kakashi, and although they didn't work one bit, Kakashi sure wanted to see you fail at his lightning style.
"Fine. But under one condition"

"Condition?" Y/N tilted her head to the side in confusion. This small gesture would have been seen as cute if the person observing was not Kakashi Hatake, the lone wolf.

"You cannot tell anyone about the jutsu I used on that tree"

His hand pointed at the half-destroyed tree. Another confused look came from the H/C haired girl.
"But why?"

"Just dont. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir" Y/N replied rolling her eyes.
"So, what jutsu are ya gonna show me?"

"A C-Rank jutsu called 'lightning release: lightning hound jutsu"

"Sounds cool, show meee"

"Alright, watch. Ill show the hand signs after"
Kakashi focused the chakra into a hound-like form and there it was; the lightning beast.

"Woah... But... isn't that a little hard?"

"Tch, amateur. Its not that hard, now the signs are:..."
Kakashi showed each one separately while naming them, in order and at a slow speed. Y/N practised those a few times before finally deciding she was ready for the real thing.

"Kakashi, step away in case something goes wrong." Surprise was written all over kakashi's face as he comprehended that Y/N somewhat cared for his safety. Nonetheless, he moved away, giving room for Y/N to try lightning style.
"Here goes nothing"

Chakra began focusing itself as Y/N did the correct hand signs, a new tingly feeling began spreading through her body. Her eyes were closed for better concentration.
Need more chakra.

Soon, the tingly feeling became more intense the more chakra was used.

At one point, Y/N tried to stop her chakra from seeping out of her body only to end in failiure. When she tried again, an image popped into her head: Obito and her sitting beside a waterfall, Y/N's head resting on Obito's shoulder as he blushed. Then another image replaced the cherished one. Though this one only brought bitterness with it.

An image of Rin, Kakashi and Obito all smiling and laughing, with a forsaken child behind them on a swing. All of them were 7 at the time. The child had loneliness surrounding her - like the shadows which enveloped her being. That child, it had H/C hair. It was Y/N.

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