Chapter 8 - Helping hand

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"Hmm maybe I will, maybe I wont"
"Also, what happened just before I blacked out? I'm pretty sure I heard-"

"Y/N!" And the door flies open to reveal a dark haired boy with orange goggles and a apologetically looking girl with chocolate brown hair.

Subconsciously Y/N whispered the name of her old best friend as happiness and sadness built inside her.



Unintentionally, His name slips through my lips. Already I can feel my heart panicking as the dynamic pounding continues at a notably erratic rate. Following suit, my hands begin to shake uncontrollably, forcing me to camouflage them beneath the chalky, insipid sheets.
Why does he always have this effect on me?

Thankfully, Kakashi's attention had been too preoccupied with Him and Rin swarming in to notice any of my abnormal behaviour.

Unwittingly, I gaze at the raven black hair, which is surprisingly soft and silky to the touch. Next, my vision shifts to the all familiar orange goggles, a signature feature of his appearance. My vision continued to gradually descend. Subsequently, my e/c orbs, seemingly spellbound, encounter a pair of shadow coloured ones. He and I locked our eyes, lingering this gesture until:

"I'm sorry Y/N, we did't mean to interrupt anything or barge in like that..."

Rin sounded so sincere, slightly slowing my racing heart through her mere voice. And her presence is calming too. She is a good friend, no way I can deny that. Always there when you need her, so caring and trustworthy, has her way with words, protects the ones she holds dear and she even learned medical ninjutsu for her team.

Rin, she is so perfect, so damn perfect...

And she is my friend. I being called lucky to have her would be an understatement. Although, because she is so flawless and ideal, I lost any hope of requited feelings from him.

He loves her.

But she loves Kakashi.

And Kakashi loves no one.

Kakashi is lucky, he hasn't fallen for anyone yet, which means he doesn't have to deal with the heartache of unrequited love. However, I doubt any girl he asks out would reject him. The definition of Kakashi being: the best, most skilled, good looking b̶a̶d̶a̶s̶s teen .

In other words, he's like the prince charming, the ideal person. But no one is exactly impeccable, not even him. For example, his rules and negative attitude could be his flaws. And Rin could be too kind and generous. And him, he's a little too naive and sometimes oblivious to the larger canvas.

Although, his determination, attitude and encouraging personality definitely make up for most of it. Not to mention his dream to become hokage someday - if not him, then who could possibly be a better match for the job? Sure, he can mess up sometimes, but don't we all? He'll learn, and when he does-

"Y/N?" I hear his voice, it sounds worried but still makes me want to listen and hear him out even though he interrupted my train of thought.

"Uh, Hi"

Congrats, that was the most awkward reply ever Y/N. (Great, now my own mind is sarcastic towards me).

"Phew, I thought you were going through some kind of medical shock. Great to see you're doing better now"

It seems like he's forgotten my mistake on that mission, where I chose his safety over Rin's. His voice seems to be light, with no sense of negativity in it. Or maybe he just doesn't want to remember, so he's avoiding the truth and facts?

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