Dear Jungguk....

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Dear Jungguk,

Oppa~~ hihi, I know you hate it when some girls calls you that, that is why I always call you that just to pissed you, but instead you will just giggle and give me your signature toothy grin.

How are you Jungguk-ah? I hope you're doing great, if you read this letter, it only means I successfully did my business of letting you go.

Do you still remember when first met? Under the first snow? I already notice and recognize you that night, I may look calm but deep inside I felt like dying, especially when you save me from almost being hit, I almost hyperventilate at how close you are to me that time.

Remember when we met again in the park? When I was sitting alone on the bench? I didn't expect to meet you again that day, and I actually get flustered when you call me noona, and meeting you again is such a miraculous blessing for me.

Remember when we met at the café? I was really shocked that time, how did you managed to know where I am? You really are sneaky huh, and remember the first time you call me cheesecake, I really can't explain the feeling but I felt like the inside of my tummy do  some flips.

Remember our sneaky Twitter conversation ? Thinking about it, it really felt surreal, like how did we managed to grab some small conversation with it, it really is cute.

Remember when I got hospitalized because of that little incident? Namjoon oppa talk to me the next after you visit me. He reminded me about your contract, and it all hit me like a truck.

And it also makes me think, I don't want to be a hindrance to your dreams, and please don't be angry with Namjoon, he didn't do anything bad, he just reminded me of something, and it makes me open my eyes to reality. Maybe it's not the time yet, not yet. But time will come gguk-ah, and you will find someone, someone who will love you with all their hearts, who will take care of you, and whom you will build a family with. And when that time comes, I hope you will be happy.

Remember the night, that night that I despise but also cherish? Do you know how hurt I was that night? Holding of the memories of that night is like holding a rose, it's  beautiful but it also hurts because of those thorns. The way your soft lips latched on mine, I can still remember the feeling, how you wrap me in your arms protectively, I can still feel your warm.

Please don't doubt my words, I really do love you, I really love you, to the point that I gave up my happiness. Because when you love someone, you have to let go of it and be selfish just for once.

Jungguk oppa, please stay healthy, and don't worry, cause I will never forget you, I will never forget those memories we build together. It will stay in my mind and heart forever.

I love you Jeon Jungguk.


Park Byung Soo

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