Chapter 2

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"Everyone, please settle down," Section Chief Jin Namba looked bored as the new team of the Special Task Force Against Terrorism and a few delegates from the Public Safety Unit quickly took their seats opposite each other

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"Everyone, please settle down," Section Chief Jin Namba looked bored as the new team of the Special Task Force Against Terrorism and a few delegates from the Public Safety Unit quickly took their seats opposite each other.

This was the first time since Graduation that the now-Detectives/former Public Safety Academy Cadets were to meet face-to-face with their former instructors.

It was surreal as shit, Kara threw a look at the Scooby Squad and they all knew exactly what the blonde was thinking, as each of them shared the same sentiments.

Tami, Jyunko, Yuri, Kara, Kenta, and Haruki sat on one side, while the Officers of Public Safety, Shusuke Soma, Hideki Ishigami, and Seiji Goto were on the opposite.

"Well then, now that you're all here," Jin Namba began.  "We'll start to welcome our new collaboration with the new unit headed by Commissioner Sato of Tokyo Metro PD.  I believe this will be the beginning of a new friendship."

He shuffled through some papers of which he passed unto each of the Detectives and the Officers.

"This will be your new tasks and delegations of which so and so," Namba did not feel like he had to explain everything. 

"I'm sure you are all mature adults to know your place.  This partnership will consist of the Detectives being paired up with a respective Officer from the Criminal Divisions Unit.  Since we are a bit understaffed, I'm afraid, we can't afford a one-on-one partnership.  But not to worry, three Detectives to One Public Safety Captain I think is a good combination. Oooh, which reminds me," he then turned his head and looked at Shusuke Soma, who really did not seem to care either way whether he was promoted or not. 

"Congratulations Captain Soma on your promotion!  I almost forgot about that.  Everyone, since the departure of Captain Kaga as he now has his own unit and has been drafted back to Metro PD under the new SWAT team, Captain Soma has had a little upgrade.  Congratulations," 

Everyone clapped out of respect as Soma merely shrugged it off.  

Captain Shusuke Soma stood up and gave a slight shy smile over the fuss as he made a formal bow towards everyone before resuming his seat again.

"Well, going back again," Namba scratched his head, as if trying to get his bearings again.  "So your assignments will be as follows:"

He cleared his throat and began the roll call.

    "For Captain Hideki Ishigami alongside Sergeant Toru Kurosawa: Detectives Darehito, Kenta, and Minami.  Captain Soma alongside Inspector Riko will have Detectives Nao and Kenshin.  And for the leader of the ST FAT unit, Detective Hayase, you'll be paired with our junior, Lieutenant Seiji Goto. I think it's pretty much fairplay."

"I don't have a problem with it," Goto said unoffended by being called a junior.

"What about Shinonome?" Soma was surprised the little blond mushroom head wasn't around.

"Oh, he works under me," Namba supplied offhandedly.  "I'll be needing someone to cover me for, uh, you know stuff."

"He's probably gonna run off somewhere and it'll be hard to reach him when he slacks off," Ishigami muttered under his breath to which Kenta, Yuri and Kara almost let out an inappropriate laugh but contained themselves quickly.

"Did I hear something?" Namba asked, as he looked around confused.

"No, Nope, sir we're good," Ishigami cleared his throat and threw a warning look at the three, but his eyes danced with amusement.

"Well then, I guess you're all off on your assignments then." Namba stood up and everyone followed suit as they quickly gave their superior a firm salute.

"Go make me proud, kids." Section Chief Namba grinned mischievously as his next comeback was something of which he waited for quite sometime to say.

He then moved into position and pointed towards the door.

"Autobots, transform and roll out!"


:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+

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