Chapter 11

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"Who are those guys?" Detective Tamiko Hayase looked confused as she glimpsed at a group of people piling at the lobby of the Public Safety building

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"Who are those guys?" Detective Tamiko Hayase looked confused as she glimpsed at a group of people piling at the lobby of the Public Safety building.  

She came from an assignment with a few officers from Public Safety when she noticed a group of young, chic-looking people loitering about the premises.  Most of them were dressed in smart casual attire and stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the typical Police uniform.

If the business of the party in question were unauthorised, surely security would have done away with these loiterers and suspicious-looking characters.  

Today was definitely not one of those days.

All of which made Tami more curious.

"You don't wanna know," Lieutenant Ayumu Shinonome shook his head and kept walking.  

Lieutenant Goto leaned over a bit but kept his face neutral as he explained.

"Those are the press. They're trouble."

"Oh," she murmured as  it dawned on Tamiko Hayase.  

She recalled a time having seen a handful of press people when she was a child.  When she was younger, she remembered a difficult case her father had cracked and while having spent time at Metro PD back then, there were a lot of press and she was not allowed to loiter about the Police Station as she pleased.

When her father was Chairman, he preferred the press stay in a designated quarters in an isolated portion of the building of which it served two purposes: One, was to avoid the media loitering about the premises and another was to keep an eye on the journalists as one could never tell if they were snooping, hoping to snatch something newsworthy to be published.  

Even up to this very day, Metro PD continued this arrangement as it was part of the many reforms Tami's father made while he was Chairman.  After all, not much could be done to keep them away from the Police Station.  Since the media too were doing their job to keep the public informed.  

Though at times of course, the boundaries were often blurred lines and were indeed troublesome.

Tami was about to wonder as to why the Chairman of Public Safety opted not to follow the same method used by her father when a voice interrupted her.

"Tami-chan?" a male voice caught her attention of which Tami's blood red coloured orbs met a friendly pair of emerald green eyes that belonged to a man whose dark brown hair was smoothly slicked back.  He was a fairly attractive man, but it wasn't his handsome features that caught Tami's attention.  

Lieutenant Seiji Goto's eyes narrowed suspiciously at the man and was about to cut in when the man introduced himself.

"It's been a while, Tami-chan," the man grinned and introduced himself as Yosuke Tachibana.

"Y-Yosuke-kun?" Tami's eyes bugged out when it all finally clicked.  

No wonder why he looked so familiar.  

It had been over a decade since she had last heard of her childhood friend.  

"Are you part of the press?" Tami asked.  She could barely believe it as Yosuke gave her a big bear hug.  She didn't flinch from his touch either but looked a bit confused.

Not really caring about the people surrounding them who were looking curiously at the pair, Yosuke easily answered her.

"I'm editor-in-chief of the Omiyuri Shimbun," he stated as a matter-of-factly.  

Yosuke and Tami barely noticed Seiji Goto  who groaned and rolled his eyes in disgust.  

This action prompted Lieutenant Ayumu Shinonome to stop in his tracks.  The blond officer watched in silence at this exchange as he looked mighty curious at this rather interesting happenstance which unfolded right in front of him.

"That's nuts," Tami laughed as if not believing this coincidence.  It's only then she remembered her manners. "Oh, yeah.  How are you?"

"I'm good," Yosuke smiled, showing a good set of pearly whites.  "What's nuts is seeing you as a part of the Police.  But somehow, that doesn't kind of surprise me either."

Tami grinned ear-to-ear as she tilted her head to the side, knowing that her friend somehow knew her a bit too well.

Lieutenant Seiji Goto cleared his throat and Yosuke's green eyes flit over to the handsome surly looking officer who looked he was about to throttle him.

"Looks like you better go, Tami-chan.  We'll catch up soon."  He punched a few numbers on his mobile phone, revealing his contact details of which Tami quickly grabbed her phone and copied it to her phone.

"It's nice seeing you again, Yosuke-kun.  Let's hang out sometime," Tami promised.

"You know where to find me," Yosuke grinned and gives her a wink, his eyes filled with promise that he was certain he was definitely going to chat with the lovely brunette sooner.


Song is Deatta Koro no Yō ni by Every Little Thing. Youtube Video uploaded by avex. Published June 30, 2015. All rights belong to ELT and their respective owners.

Next song: Honey by RIRI


:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+

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