1 - August

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August Alis is an incredibly exciting name, for an incredibly exciting girl, with an incredibly exciting life right? Well, no. It's just me. Average August Alis. What do I like to do? Uhm. Write I guess. And photography. I might be good at that... Shit I hope so or majoring in it in college would be a waste. And that would only give dad an excuse to badger me again in his fading French accent about how I should stick to law like I'm supposed to. Like what does that even mean, "supposed to"? Who wrote these rules? And where was I when the memorandum concerning "supposed to's" was being issued?

I contemplated this and used it as my muse to finish up my last wave of college applications. I'm going to do what I'm good at to reduce the likelihood of failure. That's what I'm supposed to do; not totally flunk out of life. I'm also supposed to get the fuck out of this tunnel vision town where the general belief is that success only manifests itself in the form of a doctor, lawyer or -the newest addition- an engineer. "Give me a break," I said aloud with a vicious eye roll as an ode to everyone who had shot those ridiculous sentiments at me.

I twirled my finger in the air before hitting the submit button on my final writing supplement, to cast a good luck charm on my applications as they whizzed through cyberspace or whatever. "Someone's got to take me." ...Right? I lit a cigarette in the hopes that the smoke would obscure all negative thoughts.

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