5 - Nic

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Julie took us to a house party despite saying she was tired of houses. But then again with wall to wall people, all the strobe lights, the thumping EDM and bottles upon bottles of liquor, it looked more like a club than a house. I leaned against the bar nursing a gin and tonic and keeping an eye on August like I promised. She managed to clear the dancefloor as usual, people opting to watch the music take her away instead of embarrassing themselves, with their lack of rhythm, trying to dance next to her. The rainbow of strobe lights caressed her caramel skin, the way I have many times in my dreams and the few times she fell asleep in my arms while we binge watched some show on Netflix. She had no idea how incredible she looked when she danced. She didn't even think she could. Her cloud of light brown curls whipped back and forth and seemed to beckon to me. So I moved to join her.

"Looks like we had the same idea," Julie said as she spun into my path with a pipe and her drink in one hand, and refill for me in the other. I took a draw when she held the elegant glass pipe to my lips and smiled as the sweet taste of Tutti Frutti mixed brilliantly with the gin in my system. "Let's go make a scene. I'll go first."

I watched Julie dance over to August. Julie was August's near polar opposite. She was tall and thin, while August was a shorter, curvier girl. Julie had straight blonde hair and August's was wildly curly. Julie was the wild child and August was laid back. But somehow they never really clashed heads over anything. Maybe opposites really do attract.

The girls bump and grind-ed against each other eliciting hoots and hollers from the crowd, and poisonous looks from jealous females. I admit it wasn't always easy to see them as just my best friends or sisters or anything platonic, both because I was in love with August and because they were really hot. I was turned on, which meant the other guys probably were too, so it was my cue to join in on the scene-making.

I made my way to the dancefloor and found some other girls pathetically fighting for attention -and failing- and I shot them a sympathetic look before being pulled into the bumping and grinding by  Julie and August. They twirled around me, asses shaking in all directions and I just swayed to the beat grabbing and reaching and pulling at them every now and then, feeling like a winner. And they wonder why people think we're in a polygamous relationship. Then it happened. They kissed. The crowd absolutely exploded with excitement and I had to shake my head a few times to get my eyes back in their sockets and my jaw back in my head. I'm dreaming. I must be dreaming. This is a dream. When they pulled away Julie led August off the dancefloor and August reached for me. We walked to the empty backyard with a trail of eyes on our backs.

"Well that was new," I managed after clearing my throat a few times. Julie sat August on a patio bench and handed her a bottle of water.

"You definitely need this, Miss August," she said as she wiped some sweat off of August's forehead, "It was new. I promise it wasn't planned. We wouldn't purposely try to raise your blood pressure." and she poked me in the bulging crotch of my jeans.

"I have to pee," I blurted suddenly embarrassed and turned sharply to find the bathroom. The massive crowd of people made the distance between the backyard and bathroom seem unending. As I pushed, ducked and weaved around the partiers, a delicate hand pulled me to the less populated outskirts.

"Forgive me for being so forward, but I saw you dancing with those girls and was furiously jealous. Am I crazy for hoping you aren't dating either of them?" a gorgeous dark skinned model-looking girl asked with a confidence I wish I had.

"Not crazy at all. I'm not dating either of them." I tried to keep the sadness out of my voice.

"Well in that case, I'm Tracy." I took her outstretched hand and gave her peck on her knuckles, because unfortunately I was that lame guy who did that. She blushed.

"I'm Dominic. But would you give me a second? I was just headed to the bathroom."

"No problem," a coy smile showed teeth that were probably an orthodontist's proudest moment. Her eyes twinkled with mischief. "I'll come with you." I looked out the sliding doors that led to the backyard to make sure the girls were ok. Julie looked back at me and dismissed me with a wrist flick. She was stroking August's hair as she napped in Julie's lap. She looked so beautiful when she slept. I looked back at Tracy with eyes that reflected her mischief. She led me to the bathroom. I did one last quick glance towards the girls in time to see Julie chug the rest of our drinks.

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