4 - August

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It was nice having the gang back together again. When Julie started dating Clive, or whatever she called it, it was just me and Nic. Not that I minded, Nic was absolutely amazing, but you know we just felt complete again. It's been the three of us against the world since the dawn of time -  aka 8 years ago when we met at the park and realized that we all lived within a stone's throw of each other.

We lay cuddled under my comforter, eating Hawaiian pan crust pizza and watching Netflix, Nic smooshed between Julie and I. The usual. I sometimes wondered if he did it purposely to feel like The Man. But I didn't mind. It was nice cuddling with Nic.

"Guys we need to spend some weekends outside of August's bedroom. It's senior fucking year and we're wasting our final highschool weekends on pizza and Netflix- things that will be there after we leave." Julie asserted, as she sat up and paused The Walking Dead. "Not that I don't totally love our questionable cuddling and canoodling, but after playing House with Clive for a week and a half, I'm a little tired of houses and beds." Nic tried to suppress a chuckle and was rewarded with a Julie dagger stare.

"Sorry, jeez," he said and laughed anyway, "I'd be exhausted too if I were you or Clive." Julie gasped and punched Nic on the shoulder and because I failed miserably at keeping my laughter down, I received a shoulder punch too.

"Ok ok! We're sorry!" I pleaded. She smiled satisfied and collapsed back into our cuddle. "But yeah, I'm down with getting out of here. At least you guys leave your houses when you're here. What do you have in mind?" I flopped onto my side to face Julie and propped myself up on my elbow. Nic snaked his arm around my waist and rested his hand on my hip, which made me break out into a blush. I sat up completely in an attempt to hide the embarrassing blush from him. His arm fell heavily to the bed.

"Partying of course. It's what we're expected to do anyway. There's one tonight, and I know you two have been slaving away at your apps like good little children and deserve a break. Wouldn't be surprised if you were done." I blushed again and felt my lips twitch into an embarrassed smirk. Julie shook her head at me. "Like I said, not surprised. But now you definitely deserve it. Go ask your parents! Now!" I complied and climbed over them to get off the bed, getting an encouraging slap on the butt from Julie as I swung my legs off my queen sized. I fake moaned in pleasure and did a little wiggle for her in response, only to have her erupt in laughter.

I bounded down the stairs, suddenly excited by the idea of doing a little partying. Julie was right, I did deserve this. "Parents?" I called out into the house when I got to the bottom step.

"Living room, baby girl." mom answered. I poked my head into the living room and gave my widest, sweetest smile.

"Hello parents, how are we today?" I skipped over the sofa where they were sitting in a cuddle of their own watching some French romance movie. I sat between them and planted a kiss on dad's left cheek, and mom's right. Too desperate, I told myself.

"We were fine until you interrupted our movie. What are you asking for?" dad knew me too well. I dropped the tooth-ache inducing act.

"Can I go to a party with Nic and Julie tonight?" They looked at each other in some sort telepathic consultation.

"Ok, but only if you drive." mom's way of saying sure just no alcohol or substances of any kind for you missy. I was tempted to say that substances were the best part. I settled with a simple "Deal," kissed them on the cheeks again and sprinted back to my lair.

"It's on bitches!" I launched myself onto Nic and Julie, turning their cheers into groans and profanities. "But I have to drive, so you know that means no drugs for me. Or not close to going home time at least."

"I will personally make sure that any drugs you consume are out of your system at a reasonable time," the Noble Nic volunteered, "even if that means giving you water shots." We all laughed, no doubt remembering the last time Julie got wasted at a party, when we had to trick her into drinking water by pouring it in shot glasses.

"And I will personally make sure there are drugs to be consumed." Julie contributed after she caught her breath. "We are going to make these last few months count, alright kids? Forgive the cliché, but I'm talking about full on Yolo shit."

"A toast to YOLOing our last few months of highschool away," Nic said as he raised his slice of pizza. Julie and I followed suit. "To YOLOing!" We clinked our pizzas, then settled back into The Walking Dead.

I rested my head on Nic's chest and smiled when his heart literally skipped a beat. I was excited by going out of course, but I was so used to watching afternoons turn to nights through my picture windows, with Nic. I looked around my pale blue room, a sense of longing already building. I reached up and toyed with the tan Dream Catcher that dangled from my headboard and diligently kept nightmares at bay since my 14th birthday when Nic gave me as a present.

"Where are you right now?" Nic whispered in my ear.

"Still right here." and I tried to focus on the zombie slaying and not Nic's fingers absently playing with a loose string at the hem of my blouse.

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