12 - Julie

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I pulled into the Alis' driveway and honked twice. A few minutes later August and Nic strolled out the front door, each holding a groccery bag. 

"Ooo, what ya got there?" I asked as they climbed into the car.

"Pretzels and a bottle of vodka stolen from the famous and French liquor cabinet," Nic said proudly.

"August, you stole liquor from Frenchie? Magnifique!" I winked at her.

"I figured tonight was a special ocassion, so why not break out the fancy stuff? Not like they drink it much anymore."

"Tonight should be fun," Nic said. I nodded my agreement, as I pulled out onto the road.


"Hey guys, welcome," Clive said as he hugged August and gave Nic and manly handshake, "Hey baby" he said to me with a sly smile and quick kiss on my lips. 

"We brought pretzels and some vodka," August said as she handed him the bags.

"Awesome. Let's have some fun, shall we?"


With a quick out in a round of Never Have I Ever, I was teetering towards belligernetly drunk status. I was slumped over the arm Clive's black leather loveseat, when August kissed me on the cheek.

"Our cab is here, Julie. Drink some water and get home safe, ok?" she stroked my hair affectionately. I barely managed to turn my head in time to see Clive escort them to the door. When they were through. he slammed it shut and stormed towards me.

"How dare you embarrass me like this Juliet?"

"What the fuck?" I moaned as I tried to sit up to face him. "Don't yell at me right now, please Clive."

"You bring your friends in my home and get drunk out of your mind from Never Have I Ever? Can't keep your legs closed?" he was seething.

"Excuse me?"

"I guess a better game would be What Hasn't Juliet Done!" 

"Clive what is your fucking problem right now?"

"You're a slut Juliet. You're dirty and you're proud of it and flaunt it like the bachelor's degree you'll never have." I found the strength to stand up.

"First of all, how dare you judge me and my decisions. We've been dating for about a month Clive. You don't know enough about me to cast judgements. Secondly, I don't flaunt it, I'm just open and unashamed of my sexuality. Thirdly, look at you Mr. "I'm going to business school to study business even though I don't think you need a degree in business" At least when I get my degree I'll believe in it and it will be useful. And lastly, fuck you Clive." I stormed into the dining room where I left my car keys on the table, grabbed them up and headed straight for the door. Clive held on to my wrist and jerked me around.

"Where the fuck are you going, Juliet?" his eyes were wild with rage and his own drunkeness.

"Look at you critising me about being drunk when you're a million miles from sober yourself! Let me go." he held tighter. "Clive, I said to let me go." He let my arm drop, then as I turned to go he slammed me against the wall and yanked my skirt down.

"Since you're so open and unashamed of your sexuality you mind this, girlfriend." he used one arm to pin both of mine above my head, and the other the unbuckle his jeans. They dropped to the floor with a gentle clang and he ripped at my underwear. Now is not the time to clam up Juliet! a voice in my head cried. Clive used a knee to part my legs. Juliet! Do something! the voice pleaded. Clive nuzzled my hair. "I can't believe I was falling for a girl like-" I flung my head back as hard as I could, then turned around and kicked him in the groin, then thrust an elbow in his back like I was taught in self defense classes during P.E. I pulled up my skirt then raced through the door without so much as a glance. 

I hopped in my car, and before I even realized it, I was speeding towards August's. 

SOS let me in. I texted her when I was 5 minutes away. When I pulled into the driveway she was running out the door towards me. I threw the car in park, and spilled out to meet her hug. The sobs became uncontrolable. 

"Let's get you inside," she said in the most soothing voice. Nic came barreling across the yard from his house.

"I heard the car screech into the driveway and thought there was an accident, are you guys okay?" the worry was evident on his face and in his voice.

"Help me get her upstairs." he lifted me out of August's hug and carried me up to her room.

I told them what happened. Nic was furious and August had a look of horror and disgust plastered on her tear-stained face.

"We have to call the police," Nic said, "bastards like that shouldn't see the light of day." I shook my head.

"No. He's not worth the trouble. He was drunk. I'm pretty sure he'll wake up and hate himself in the morning. That's good enough revenge for me."

"I'm so sorry Julie. We're here for you...who's up for some more liquor?" 

"Shit, I thought you'd never ask."


An hour later, we were all good and drunk and happy again, together in August's room, on her bed, where we were meant to be. August was in the middle of telling us a story about some French relatives, when all of a sudden I was kissing her. Then it was all a tumble of clothes. She pulled back as I unclasped her bra, and held it to her chest as she looked at Nic. I had forgotten he was there too. I took his hands and put one on my chest and the other on August's. Then I kissed him. It wasn't how I wanted it to happen, but I was happy that it did. August unbuckled his pants and I coaxed him out his shirt. We all sat and stared each other. I kissed Nic again. And he pulled August in and we were all kissing each other. I led Nic's hand between my thighs and he didn't hesitate. Finally. I thought to myself as his fingers pushed me closer and closer into oblivion. I released a deep guttural sigh as he slowly slipped out of me and moved onto August.

I watched. He was different with her. He looked at her so deeply, he might as well have been looking into her. It was love and not the hungry looks I was used to getting from the guys I let into my bed. The intensity made me shiver. She was hesitant. Was it because I was there? But when he kissed her, she completely let it go, and crumpled into him. They came together in a way I had never seen before. As if their lives were building up to that moment. I began to settle into my role as the voyeur. But as they got more into it, I soon realized that I was completely forgotten. And whatever desire I had for them both quickly turned into an intense jealousy. August always won. Life always swung in her favour. And she didn't even have to try. I gathered my things as their gentle moans grew louder. It took all my efforts not the slam the door and scream, as Nic breathed "August, I love you so much" before collapsing, exhausted beside her. 

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