2 : Becoming a Corpsman

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"Next!" The enlistment man grumbled as one more wanna be marine was turned down because of ill health.
Evangeline shuffled forward, swallowing hard.

" Evangeline Yoet, I'm here for the corpsman position?" she said handing the man her ID card and papers.
" Corpsman?" The man scoffed not even looking at the papers. " How could a woman like you be a corpsman? Do you know what the battle field is like girl?" He seethed.
" I know sir, my father has treated soldiers  before and as you can see from my resumé if you care to look, that i am as highly qualified as any doctor  you might already have in the entire United States Army sir" Evangeline retorted making the woman enlister next to him snigger slightly.
The man huffed and began to look over her papers. " impressive" he said quietly, handing the papers back to her as he stamped another sheet of paper and gave that to the medical inspectors.
" go behind the curtain fo a health check"

The nurse weighed, measured and asked Evangeline about her medical history. Once that was over she was directed to collect her uniform and basic kit bag.
" welcome corpsman " Another woman smiled as she handed Evangeline her dog tags that she had been working on whilst she was undergoing her medical exam.
"Thank you" Evangeline smiled picking up the dark green bag pack.

There was a small briefing that had to be listen to before Everyone left, all of the new recruits would have to be at the docks by 08:00 the next day to be taken to the training ground which was on a island they had never heard of before, a few miles away from training camp.

Evangeline's training wouldn't be as intense as the rest , seeing as she was a corpsman, but she was told it would still be tough, also being told she would've to redo the practical medical exam and learn to work under pressure and in a time slot.

When Evangeline returned her mother was sat in silence. She could tell she had been crying and not taken the news well.
" I got in" Evangeline spoke, walking further into the kitchen.
" When do you leave?" My father asked as She placed her uniform On the dining room table, and sat Down in the chair at the head of the table.

"Tomorrow, 08:00, we have to be at the training grounds as soon as possible" Evangeline breathed.
"Promise you'll be smart and safe Evangeline" her Mother spoke quietly, " and write when ever you can do you hear me?" she placed her hand on Evangeline's shoulder.
"Of course" she replied looking over at her father, who sat back in his chair with a grim expression on his face.

    The following morning Evangeline was up at 06:00 to pack and change into her uniform.
She put on a white T-shirt, trousers which were held up by braces, socks, army boots and then an army jacket.
She tucked the shirt into her trousers and her trousers into her boots. then tied her hair in to a bun.

She packed the essentials that the enlistment officers had already given her;
Blanket, poncho and a spare change of clothes and would be given the rest of the stuff once she got to the grounds. Evangeline also packed her sewing kit and a small medical pack that her father insisted she take in case they 'run out of supplies'.

She went to zip her pack up when she caught sight of the leather journal the shop keeper had given her.
She  stuffed the leather journal in her front jacket pocket along with a few pencils.

Evangeline quietly walked down the stairs putting her bag by the door and walked to the kitchen, for what would be the last time until the war was over... or forever.

Quickly making a pot of coffee she sat at the table watching the clock tick nervously knowing she would have to leave soon.
"Are you ready?" Her father questioned coming behind her.
"Yes" She breathed downing the rest of her coffee and placing it on the table. " I'm ready to go"

The corpswoman (Based off of the HBO mini series 'The Pacific'.Where stories live. Discover now