5 : Crossing the airfeild

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" You have first watch" Shelton pointed at Eugene, " wake me up in four hours, anything moves ... kill it" he said laying down in the dirty fox hole.
Evangeline shook her head, opening her sketch book again and continuing the drawing she had left earlier.

" You know you shouldn't have a notebook with you right?" Oswald spoke up handing her some spare medical supplies he had managed to loot off of a jap medic. "Would mean a court-martial if it fell into the wrong hands "
" I'll make sure it doesn't then Oswald" Evangeline grumbled taking the supplies from his hand. " Say, you didn't find any water on your travels?" she asked as he sat down next to Eugene.
" Afraid not" he replied.

"Shut the Fuck up you idiot" Shelton's dig at Oswald woke Evangeline from her nap it was now pitch black along the airfield, the odd mortar explosion or mine blowing up lighting up the area every now and then.
"We have to go out there tomorrow" Eugene said with uncertainty looking out onto the airfield. She thought about what Eugene had said, knowing that for some of these men it would be the last night they ever saw.


The next morning was as dry and sweaty as yesterday. Evangeline's throat was extremely dry and she was almost gaging at the thought of water. Sitting up she looked over at Eugene as he wrote something in his bible that he kept in his front pocket. It seemed that he had been keeping track of the number of men that had been lost in the company so far. She was ripped out of her daydream by an explosion further up the airfield that woke Shelton from his slumber, jolting up like a mad man.

"2nd platoon get up there!" A voice shouted behind them. Thick black smoke rose up from the airfield once again whist American fighter planes buzzed overhead. The gunfire was still ringing out from the day and night before.

Shelton got up sleepily and lit his first cigarette of the day, he glanced over at Eugene, who had his bible in his hands, eyeing what he was writing.

" what are you doin'?!" He grumbled. Eugene tiredly looked over at him. " Pack this shit down and get ready to move!" He ordered.
" I'd kill for some water right now" Evangeline whispered as she packed the rest of her stuff away. As if by magic, Jay ran over to them, " Water!, I swear to god someone found some water!" He cried to all the marines that were sat in their fox holes.
"Thank god " Evangeline heard some of the men begin to mumble as Bill lead them to the water.

" Oh my god " She mumbled in relief as all the marines who ran over handed two of the men their helmets and water tins to fill up for them.
Suddenly one of the men reached in to fill a helmet when he pulled out a decaying yams head by the horn. "It's poisoned " Evangeline breathed in disbelief, feeling like she could cry.

" They fucking poisoned it" Bill spat as everyone tipped away what could have been the sweet relief of water onto the dry ground.

Before anyone could sulk back to their foxholes, Heldaine (ack- ack) and Hillbilly came over and started to explain the order the companies would be running across the field In. Evangeline swallowed hard, knowing that at 09;00, her morning would turn hectic and most of the men standing around her would be dead or being treated by herself and the other corpsmen.

She was sat with Eugene, Shelton, Bill and Oswald, once again sorting her gear out for easy access once they were to travel across the airfield, the boys were talking amongst themselves.
" We have to cross that?" Oswald questioned for the third time whilst he was loading the ammo nervously in his bag for the mortar gun.
"Quit whining, it'll be over by the time you cross it" Bill shot back with a cigarette between his teeth.
"Japs hate mortars ad bazookas as much as they hate riflemen, Layden" Shelton breathed putting another cigarette in his mouth glancing back at Bill and Oswald.

The corpswoman (Based off of the HBO mini series 'The Pacific'.Where stories live. Discover now