11 : Enough

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The next morning, K company  rested.

Evangeline drew in her  journal whilst Eugene was still tallying the amount of people that  had died on this island.
She winced as more gunfire and explosions erupted from the front where love company were still trying to push forward.
"Jesus can't they give it a rest?" she stated looking up from her drawing.
Eugene grunted in agreement.
"What day is it?" Burgin asked.
"Maybe June 6th, 5th?" Eugene replied closing his bible.
"Great, I'm spending my 21st birthday on a fucking muddy jap island" Evangeline grumbled closing her journal and taking off her helmet placing them both next to her.
"Happy fuckin' birthday" Shelton stated handing her a cigarette and making his was over to a curtain he had put up to use as a toilet cubical.
"Gee thanks snafu" She replied sarcastically taking it from him and placing it in her shirt pocket making the other guys laugh.
"We're never getting off this island" Peck grumbled digging deeper onto his muddy foxhole, dampening the mood slightly.
"Hey - hey" Burgin called over to him,  "Peck you dig that any deeper they'll get you for desertion".
The group chuckled again as Peck looked over  in annoyance and offence.
"We got here April 1st" Evangeline said clambering off the rock she was sat on and sliding down in between Burgin and Sledge.
"Easter Sunday" Eugene said puffing on his pipe shuffling up a little bit to give them a bit more room, then grimaced as Shelton farted into the tin he was using as a toilet behind the curtain.
"Fuckin' April fools no matter how you look at it" Shelton grunted trying to smoke the cigarette that was hanging out of his mouth without the use of his hands.
"That's 66 days" Burgin added licking his dry lips and tilting his head up, looking at the partly cloudy sky.

"We're never getting off this island" Peck repeated still digging.
"Aw come on Kathy - summers just around the corner" Shelton smirked pulling his trousers up. "Then Halloween" he turned around and picked up his shit-bucket. "And then there's thanksgiving!" He walked around the curtain with the bucket in his hands. "Look!" He said showing Peck the buck. "I'm already working on your present" he smugly remarked bore throwing the condense of the bucket behind Peck and then clapping his hand on Peck's shoulder as he passed to get back to us.
"Out of the sticks in 46" Burgin started.
"Out of heaven at 47" Shelton continued, lighting another cigarette.
"Golden gate at 48" Evangeline  smirked, moving her legs slightly so Eugene could get up to pee.
"Come one let's go up here!" Mac called from the top of the ridge. 

Evangeline  mentally cringed as he looked over.  'I need stove pipe boys up top! - Sledge, that's you!, Yoet get up here too".
She saw Eugene cringe and zip up his trousers.
"Sir I'm not part of the mortar squad I'm just the corpsman!" She called back up to him.
"Then bring someone with you," he snapped back.
She rolled her eyes and turned to Burgin, " look after my stuff please Burgie" She grunted getting up leaving her pack with the guys.
"And bring some wire!" Mac yelled back turning back to what he was doing.
Evangeline  stumbled towards Eugene he looked at her and gritted his teeth in annoyance. "Yes sir" he replied, "Hamm! You're coming, get a spool!".
As she took her next step up the hill , she slipped on the mud and twisted  ankle sending her tumbling down the hill.
"Evangeline!" Eugene yelled after her  trying to make a grab for her hand  but missed. 

She  slid down into a foxhole filled with dirty water and landed onto of a rotting corps, covered in maggots.
Screaming bloody murder she quickly pulling her arm from its con-caved  chest and jumped backwards.

She  was covered in maggots and chunks of rotting flesh that had stuck to her arm.
"Fuck!shit!" She  yelled trying to brush the maggots off of her clothes, also trying to scramble out of the hole.
Suddenly Eugene grabbed Her shoulder and dragged her to 'dry land'.
Before Evangeline  could thank Eugene  a burning sensation climbed its way up my throat.
"Are you ok?" Eugene asked as  she leaned against another part of the muddy hill.
She shook her head and then suddenly emptied her  guts. Dry heaving violently after there was nothing left to bring up.
"Sledged, Yoet! Where the fuck are you?" Mac yelled at them from above the ridge, "what are you two doing?! Get your asses up here!".
Evangeline looked over at  Eugene in anger and disgust, trying not to heave again.
"Yes sir!" Eugene yelled.

The corpswoman (Based off of the HBO mini series 'The Pacific'.Where stories live. Discover now