9 : Beaches and letters from home

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K Company had finally made it back to camp, everyone limping along like zombies in silence or smoking, and eventually loaded back onto the boats , leaving peliulu behind them and heading back to pavau.
It had just recently turned 1944 but no one was in a celebratory mood.

Stepping back into the island, k company trudged along towards their tents, wanting nothing more than to curl up in bed or have a long awaited wash. Almost missing that nurses were serving orange juice to the passing marines.

" What the hell are they doing here" Evangeline asked annoyed , as they greeted everyone with false cherry red smiles.
"Welcome back" She heard a nurse say to Eugene. He just stopped, looking at her until the new lieutenant, Mac, spoke up:
"Marine- hey now- you've had your look see now move on".

Mac obviously had a rich militant father, who had managed to get him up the ranks way before he was even ready.
To Evangeline, he didn't even seem like he had been down to the front, wallowing in all the shit, piss and bodily fluids like the rest of them.

Eugene gave him a side glance, downed the drink and marched past him, with Evangeline and Shelton following after him, not bothering to take a cup from the smiling nurses.

"What's his problem?" Mac scoffed turning towards the nurses with a smile.
"His problem?" Evangeline snapped, seeing red and Spinning around catching him and the nurses by surprise.
"His fuckin' problem is that he's spent two years like the rest of us, on dirty islands almost getting our heads shot off whist shitty officers like you can sit here and get smitten with the nurses!" She growled poking his chest, Knowing that the consequence would be a disciplinary later on.
Mac was glued to his spot, watching the enraged marine in front of him.
"Calm down" Mac spat back, which only made her angrier.
"What?" Evangeline snarled stepping forward once again, the Nurses next to him reeling back a little.

Thankfully , before she could do any more damage to (who they soon found out was K company's new NCO), Eugene reached forward lightly grabbing her arm, Evangeline felt herself calm almost instantly, letting him lead her away from the situation with hot tears brimming her eyes.

"How did she get out here?"she heard one of the nurses whisper.
"I don't know" The pretty nurse on the right shrugged, mumbling something else even her friend had trouble hearing, who then tutted in response and continued to hand out orange juice to the soldiers following behind.


"Think we should change your name to fire cracker rags" Shelton half joked as the three of them finally stumbled away from them, walking deeper into camp.
"Shut up snafu" Evangeline stated walking into their assigned tent.

She Threw her  bags ,jacket and the  gun at the end Of the half broken cot, thankfully the furthest away from the 'door'.
" They have NO clue what we've all had to deal with! NO clue!" Evangeline continued, feeling the a lump in her throat grow with every word. " I'd like to see them switch places with us, I think I'd prefer serving orange juice to watching my friends die!" Evangeline gritted her teeth so hard she thought they were about to shatter.

After a while, The boys decided to get some chow, leaving Evangeline on her own.

She wandered down to the shore of the beach , Making sure she was away from any other marines, she began to strip. Taking her trousers off along with her socks and boots, leaving the grey and red stained t-shirt on. She then stomped into the water to try and scrub some of the grime off of her skin.

The water was cold, the salt stung her eyes as she Pulled her hair out of the scruffy pony tail and dunked her head under the water. She thought for a moment, sitting down on the shallow sea floor, watching the waved crash around her, looking out onto the ocean thinking home was half way around the world. She wondered what her mother and father were doing.

The corpswoman (Based off of the HBO mini series 'The Pacific'.Where stories live. Discover now